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52 Things Wives Need From Their Husbands

Before I reveal the formula for living happily ever after, let’s consider the work that needs to be done. Bringing home a paycheck. Paying bills. Changing lightbulbs. Changing diapers. Grocery shopping. Making dinner. Making lunches. Remembering birthdays. Tucking in. Weed whacking. Scheduling date nights. Carpooling to soccer. Planning vacations. Planning retirement. Feeding the dog. Waiting for the cable guy. Assembling furniture from Ikea. Sorting socks. Signing report cards. Entertaining in-laws. Running out for milk. Loading the dishwasher. Laundry. Taxes. Romance. Etcetera.

Over the years, these tasks will somehow be divided into “his,” “hers,” “both,” and “whoever is available at the time.” When the dust settles, your day-to-day list of responsibilities may have a sense of balance. You do the tucking in. She makes lunches. You run out for milk. She feeds the dog. You dirty dishes. She washes dishes. Gentlemen, this is the first big takeaway of this book: Never suggest or even think that marriage is a 50/50 proposition. You will lose that argument.

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