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Showing posts with the label Sales

Unlimited Sales Success

WELCOME TO THE new world of selling! More people are going to make more money and enjoy greater financial success in the months and years ahead in the profession of selling than ever before. Fully 5 percent of self-made millionaires are salespeople who started at the bottom, became very good in their field, earned high incomes, and became wealthy. And what hundreds of thousands, even millions, of other people have done, you can do as well. You just need to learn how. Click Here To Download The Book

The Psychology Of Selling

Salespeople are the most vital people in any business. Without sales, the biggest and most sophisticated companies shut down. Sales are the spark plug in the engine of free enterprise. There is a direct relationship between the success of the sales community and the success of the entire country. The more vibrant the level of sales, the more successful and profitable is that industry or area. Salespeople pay for all the schools, hospitals, private and public charities, libraries, parks, and all good things that are vital to our standard of living. Salespeople—through their sales and the profits and taxes created by successful companies—pay for government at all levels, for all welfare, unemployment insurance, social security, Medicare, and other benefits. Salespeople are essential to our way of life. Click Here To Download The Book

The Art Of Closing The Sale

WHEN I BEGAN SELLING, COLD-CALLING FROM OFFICE to office during the day, and from house to apartment during the evening, I was terrified of closing. Every day, I would sally forth to sell, unafraid to get face-to-face with prospects and enthusiastically deliver my sales information. Then, at the end, I would choke up and askhesitatingly, “What do you want to do now?” Invariably, the prospect would say, “Well, leave it with me and let me thinkabout it.” I learned later that the words, “Let me think it over” or “Let me think about it” are polite customer-speakfor “Goodbye forever; we’ll never meet again.” I convinced myself that people all over town were “thinking it over” and that my phone would soon fall off the hookwith eager buyers. But no one ever called. I finally realized that it was not the product, the price, the market, or the competition that was holding me back from making sales. It was me. More specifically, it was my fear of asking a closing question. One day, I decided tha...

The Ultimate Book Of Sales Techniques

Not long ago, someone sent me a cry for help. He wrote, “My manager says I’m spending too much time researching the company and not enough time working out what should happen next in the relationship. Shouldn’t I know something about the company before I go in?” I’m a little torn here—I don’t like to get between a salesperson and his manager. However, I’d say this: Don’t over-research—but do spend a little time gathering the relevant facts. Find out the basics about the company. In today’s selling environment, there is no excuse for “cluelessness” about the company’s products and services. Take a few minutes to pull up the target company’s website. Ask yourself: Who are this company’s customers? Which of our success stories would be most relevant to this company? When you’ve got the answers to these questions, you should probably move out of “research mode” and think about a different kind of preparation for the meeting. Click Here To Download The Book

Sales Don't Just Happen

Sales don’t just happen. Orders happen, of course. Someone calls us up and says, “Do you sell this stuff I’m looking for? Oh, you do? Great. Can I get some?” We take down the details. We fill the order.  But that’s not selling. That’s taking orders. In order for a sale to happen, we have to do something deliberate and impossible to ignore—something that all but forces the other person to respond to us. The people who then do respond to us are, by definition, our prospects; they’re the ones on which we should focus our attention. Click Here To Download The Book

Sell Like Crazy

If you want to become a billionaire, you need to think like a billionaire. Just to be clear, by ‘billionaire’ I mean self-made billionaire. Not the person with the massive inherited wealth they did nothing to earn. I’m talking about the person just like you, who started out with very little. The person who had to work for a living. To think like a self-made billionaire, you must first understand their choices in life and in business. Where do they derive their income from? What do they spend their time on? What tasks do they focus on? In short, what do they invest themselves in? I have obsessively studied this unique group of high achievers. I’ve found they invest only in assets that provide a positive return. There are many kinds of assets. Among billionaires, the most valuable, non-renewable asset in the world is their time. So how do billionaires spend their most valuable asset – their precious time? Click Here To Download The Book

The Art Of Seduction

We all have the power of attraction—the ability to draw people in and hold them in our thrall. Far from all of us, though, are aware of this inner potential, and we imagine attractiveness instead as a near-mystical trait that a select few are born with and the rest will never command. Yet all we need to do to realize our potential is understand what it is in a person's character that naturally excites people and develop these latent qualities within us. Successful seductions rarely begin with an obvious maneuver or strategic device. That is certain to arouse suspicion. Successful seductions begin with your character, your ability to radiate some quality that attracts people and stirs their emotions in a way that is beyond their control. Hypnotized by your seductive character, your victims will not notice your subsequent manipulations. It will then be child's play to mislead and seduce them. There are nine seducer types in the world. Each type has a particular character trait th...

Never Be Closing

Imagine how life must have been for early humans. They lived in close family groups, probably quite small in size. Because everyone knew everyone else, people wouldn’t have much need for selling skills. Within a community, property was likely shared. Exchanging use of this or that item was easy and clear. You knew your neighbor’s character, skills, strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes, and needs—which were pretty much the same as yours. Nobody really had to “sell” anything to anyone else. But then something new happened. One day, a stranger came to town. Your family’s first reaction might have been to drive him off, maybe even kill him. After all, who knew what ills an outsider might bring? But the stranger had something you had never seen before, something to trade—perhaps a tool, a trinket, a particularly well-crafted hunting stick. Suddenly the dynamic changed. You realized there might, after all, be a reason to welcome the stranger, albeit warily. Click Here To Download The...

Sales Coaching

Organizations today must adjust to change with more speed and insight than ever before. As a sales manager, you are on the front line of that change. You are close to external and internal customers. You make the inside-outside connection. You are in the field near customers. You are on the inside track. You are the link between executive management and the sales force. Your sales coaching is the lifeline for your sales team. Sales coaching is a process, but more than that, it is a way of life. It is visceral—a gut-level feeling that helps determine how you work with your salespeople and how your managers work with you. It is a commitment among professionals to support one another so that they can be the best they can be. How much sales coaching do you provide? Richardson research with more than 1,000 managers and 4,500 salespeople showed that many sales managers are simply not coaching to the level that they could be or that is needed. In our study, sales managers were rated as coache...

How To Sell Your Way Through Life

ABILITY to influence people without irritating them is the most profitable art known to man. The entire first section of this book has been devoted to an analysis of the accepted principles of psychology, through which anyone may negotiate with others without friction. These are the only known principles by which one may win friends and influence people without unnecessarily flattering them. The principles were organized from the life experiences of some of the most successful leaders in business, industry, finance, and education known to the American people during the past 50 years. In this section of the book, one may find modern salesmanship in its most fitting, streamlined clothes. Click Here To Download The Book

How To Sell Without Selling

  MARKETING HAS CHANGED. If you’re still trying to sell to customers using old, worn-out hard close techniques that worked decades ago, you will soon be as extinct as the dinosaurs. You can’t ‘trick’ a customer into a sale. And no matter what you’ve heard from some online marketers and sales trainers, there is no need for mind control techniques. Good marketing is not manipulation. You’ll sell more by serving your customers and clients than you ever will by taking advantage of them. If you’re like me, and many of the clients I’ve worked with over the years, those old sales techniques made you uncomfortable anyway. You got into business to bring value to others. And that’s why you’re going to love the methods I’ll be sharing throughout this book. These methods allow you to guide, encourage, and share value with your customers before they ever spend a single penny with you. Subscribers regularly email me and tell me how much they appreciate the value that I’ve shared with them, even ...

How To Sell To Nigerians

I don't know about you, but I absolutely detest it when friends and family try to “force” me to buy what they are selling. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. You are on your own “jejely” and a cousin of yours who just opened his clothing line comes to you. He is just starting out and he needs your support. You are a nice guy and you feel you should support him. It doesn't even matter if his clothes are of top quality or not. Nothing wrong with that. After all, we all need support. No one has reached the top without being assisted by someone one way or the other. No human is an island. So you support. His kinds of clothes are not what you normally wear but you support nonetheless. You get the clothes and give away or keep in your wardrobe or at least wear them once to show your support. If the clothing are of top quality, you can even tag your cousin on social media so others can see. You mention him and his business to a few of your friends with the hope that the...

20 Rules Of Closing A Deal

This is a policy that is frequently violated and missed, even by seasoned professionals. You will hardly ever close someone while standing up. The saying goes, “present on your feet, close the terms from your seat.” In addition to making sure you are seated when you close, keep your buyer seated as well. Even if your prospect stands up, remain seated suggesting that you are not done. Do not overreact, stay seated, stay calm and enforce your confidence in your ability to come to agreement. Going from a seating position to standing up suggests that something has changed and allows your prospect to exit and remove themselves from the close. Click Here To Download The Book