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Showing posts with the label Leadership

The 17 Indisputable Laws Of Teamwork

Every day, in some way, you are part of a team. The question is not, 'Will you participate in something that involves others?" The question is, "Will your involvement with others be successful?" The answer to that question can be found in this workbook. Everyone knows that teamwork is a good thing—in fact, it's essential! But how does it really work? What makes a winning team? Why do some teams go straight to the top, seeing their vision become reality, while others seem to go nowhere? Click Here To Download The Book

Spirit Of Leadership

  There are many who confuse the position of leadership with the disposition of true leadership. No matter what position one may be given, status in an organization does not automatically create leadership. Genuine leadership is one’s internal disposition, which relates to a sense of purpose, self-worth, and self-concept. Click Here To Download The Book

The Power Of Character In Leadership

The contemporary crisis of character in leadership is alarming because, to a great extent, leaders determine the direction, security, and prosperity of cultures, societies, and nations. The following concepts demonstrate the central role of leadership in human society. Click Here To Download The Book

Becoming A Leader

Are leaders born, made, developed, created, cultivated, or products of circumstances? Is leadership reserved only for an elite few, a specific gender, people of a particular social stratum, or those of advanced intelligence? Is leadership the prerogative of a rare breed; is it a by-product of the superior DNA of a super-race? Or can anyone fromanywhere at any time emerge as a leader? In some form, these questions have been around for thousands of years. This book is written to challenge the limitations of your conception of your own abilities and hopefully ignite in you the conviction that you were born to lead. Click Here To Download The Book

29 Leadership Secrets From Jack Welch

It may sound simple, but getting any organization or group of people to see the world the way it is and not the way they wish it were or hope it will be is not as easy as it sounds. We have to permeate every mind in the company with an attitude, with an atmosphere that allows people—in fact, encourages people—to see things as they are, to deal with the way it is now, not the way they wish it would be. Click Here To Download The Book

Leadership, The Power Of A Creative Life

Leadership and creativity are two of the most powerful forces on earth. Together they have dictated the course of history. They can be used for good or evil, creating a wide swath across the human landscape. This book is a study of these two forces and how they can be developed in your life. Click Here To Download The Book

Leaders And Loyalty

Africa’s problem is leadership. Africa is plagued with bad leaders. Having bad leaders is not the same as having Satan dwelling with you. Many countries in Africa have been led by people who have stolen the wealth of their nations. Many African heads of state have more personal wealth than the countries that they lead. In some ways, this has helped Africa spiritually. The poverty has made Africans humble and the humility has opened them up to the gospel and to salvation. Click Here To Download The Book

Lead Like Jesus

  One of our world’s great problems is ego-centric, self-serving leadership—leaders who think people exist for their benefit, instead of vice versa. In stark contrast, Jesus modeled servant leadership, leading by example. He said, “I came to serve, not to be served.” Now, two thousand years later, Jesus has over 2.1 billion followers, which makes Him the undisputed greatest leader of all time. No one else comes close! This is why you need to know how to lead like Jesus. He is the only flawless example. That’s why you should read this book! Click Here To Download The Book

Keys For Leadership

True leaders are those who effectively express their inner passion, which finds a common response in the hearts of others. It is passion that attracts people to the leader who, in turn, motivates them to take action. Click Here To Download The Book

Hand Me Another Brick

What do we mean when we use the word leadership? If I were asked to define it in one single word, the word would be "influence." You lead someone to the measure you influence him. Click Here To Download The Book

Failsafe Leadership

Consensus building is a characteristic of quality leadership. However such seeking of consensus and consulting widely should prepare the leader for making decisions and taking definitive actions. Indecisiveness is the number one kiss of death for leaders. Most great leaders have made their impact in moments of tremendous challenges by taking the bull by the horns at the appropriate time. An unspoken universal law of leadership is that people want their leader to make tough decisions and then lead them forward. Click Here To Download The Book

The Art Of Leadership

Dag Heward-Mills is a brilliant man of God, and he is an example of what he is teaching in this great book. He has lived up to its standards, and he can lead countless others to this high road of excellence in leadership. We cannot lead others where we have not gone ourselves, and so this book depicts the path of all great leaders in the history of the Church. Click Here To Download The Book

Courageous Leadership

You don’t have to be a cynic to feel a little skeptical when someone starts talking about changing the world. Even if you agree that the world is due for some major reconstruction, you probably consider the chances of such change to be slim. But when God fuels a dream, and a leader becomes inspired—well, who knows what might happen? Click Here To Download The Book

Conversationally Speaking

Most people think that some of us are born with the “gift of gab” and some of us aren’t. But the truth is that there is no “gift of gab.” People who are good at conversation just know a few simple skills that anyone can learn. These skills are like tools. Imagine trying to hammer a nail—with a screwdriver. Or cutting wood—with a shovel. Very difficult. It would take you five times as long, and you’d still end up doing a bad job. A screwdriver and a shovel simply aren’t the right tools. But, with the right tools—a hammer and a saw—you could do these jobs well and with very little effort. Click Here To Download The Book

Leading Difficult People

When a young lady decides to follow a young man for the rest of her life, she is actually following him anywhere. Do you remember the marriage vows? “For better or for worse, in prosperity and adversity.” Marriage is convincing someone to follow you anywhere. The thing about marriage is that you go together. Today, I want you to ask yourself whether you are really a leader? Are people prepared to follow you into prosperity or adversity? Have you wondered why your followers do not do certain things? Perhaps you haven’t set the example. They fear to go where no man has tread. They think to themselves, “If you won’t go, why should I go?” Click Here To Download The Book

The Leadership Secrets Of Billy Graham

When you hear the name Billy Graham, do you think first of his leadership? Most of us do not. We recall his preaching to vast crowds in stadiums. We see the gracious television guest, appearing with hosts from Johnny Carson and David Frost to Larry King and Barbara Walters—always responding with gentle wisdom, explaining the gospel, but humbly admitting his own limitations. We remember his leading the nation in dramatic times of grief, or helping inaugurate presidents, but more as national pastor than leader. Click Here To Download The Book

Biblical Leadership Development

Leadership remains a complex phenomenon. Over the past few decades, news feeds have been flled with the moral and ethical failures leaders from various corners of society: politicians, businessmen, and clergy.  Signifcant diferences exist between leadership motivated and controlled through selfsm and leadership that closely follows the principles and behavior of Jesus. Leaders infuence follower attitudes, behaviors, and performance. Click Here To Download The Book

Aids To Leadership

  All leaders can be sure of having some level of disloyalty within the ranks of their followers. Jesus’ ministry survived the betrayal by Judas. Betrayal is part of life. No matter who you are or what type of leadership you have, you will experience betrayal. But you must be a survivor! Click Here To Download The Book

A Spiritual Leader

There is a lot of difference between “a profession” and “a calling”. Let me explain what I mean. Suppose there’s a sick child in a hospital and a nurse looks after it for 8 hours on her shift-duty. That nurse then goes home and forgets all about that child. Her concern for that child was only for 8 hours.  Click Here To Download The Book

The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership

Instinctively, successful people understand that focus is important to achievement. But leadership is very complex. During a break at a conference where I was teaching the 21 Laws, a young college student came up to me and said, “I know you are teaching 21 Laws of Leadership, but I want to get to the bottom line.” With intensity, he raised his index finger and asked, “What is the one thing I need to know about leadership?” Trying to match his intensity, I raised my index finger and answered, “The one thing you need to know about leadership is that there is more than one thing you need to know about leadership!” To lead well, we must do 21 things well. Click Here To Download The Book