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Showing posts with the label Purpose

Understanding The Purpose And Power Of Men

The crisis we are seeing today is actually a contemporary version of an age-old dilemma. Men and women alike lost their concept of what it truly means to be human—male and female—a long time ago. The problem is also not confined to particular cultures. The question of identity is a global problem. I have traveled to many nations, and I have concluded that most of the world is suffering from what I call the ―consequences of ignorance of purpose.‖ In every nation, in every community, no matter what language the citizens speak or what color their skin is, people are experiencing a common dilemma. They are suffering the debilitating effects of a misconception of purpose. They don‘t understand who they really are and therefore aren‘t living up to their full potential in life. Click Here To Download The Book

The Purpose Driven Life

It's not about you.  The purpose of your life is far greater than your own personal fulfillment, your peace of mind, or even your happiness. It's far greater than your family, your career, or even your wildest dreams and ambitions. If you want to know why you were placed on this planet, you must begin with God. You were born by his purpose and for his purpose.  The search for the purpose of life has puzzled people for thousands of years. That's because we typically begin at the wrong starting point-ourselves. We ask self-centered questions like What do I want to be? What should I do with my life? What are my goals, my ambitions, my dreams for my future? But focusing on ourselves will never reveal our life's purpose. The Bible says, "It is God who directs the lives of his creatures; everyone's life is in his power” Contrary to what many popular books, movies, and seminars tell you, you won't discover your life's meaning by looking within yourself. You...

Purpose Unboxed

One of the biggest question in the heart of every man is “Why am I here on earth?”, “What is my purpose?”, ”What is the meaning of Life?”. Many have sought for the answer to these quintessential questions without getting it. So, they just get by and survive. Somebody once wrote “I know that modern life is tragic in a sense, it has so much to offer and yet one is uncertain about where to head to... However, has anyone of you thought of a way to find some deep purpose in life?” Another young man in his twenties wrote, “I feel like a failure because I’m struggling to become something, and I don’t even know what it is. All I know how to do is to get by. Someday, if I discover my purpose, I’ll feel I’m beginning to live.” I sincerely understand how frustrating it feels to live li fe and not find its meaning or your place in it because I have been in that address before. There is a story I came across that has highly influenced the way I think and I would admit is a background for this book....

Purpose Driven Youth Ministry

Purpose driven. Great concept, but is there a way to cast this vision to your team so they’ll catch it? And if your student ministry leaders have already adopted the purpose driven philosophy, is there a way to make it fresh? I’m convinced you can. With Purpose Driven Youth Ministry Training Kit your team can understand the purpose driven strategy and think creatively about the ministry they’re called to serve. The result is reaching more students, impacting more lives, strengthening the church, and ultimately changing the world around you for God’s kingdom. Whether your ministry has been purpose driven for years or you’re just getting started, this training kit was designed with you in mind. Based on the book Purpose Driven Youth Ministry, this resource explores some of the essential elements your leaders need in order to build a solid foundation for a healthy youth ministry. And it does this by giving you— Click Here To Download The Book

Purpose Awakening

Chances are if you picked up this book based on the title and are reading these words, you’re likely someone who has already begun to question what the purpose of your life is. You’ve probably read books, been to seminars, and even had someone stand in front of you—all smiles—making purpose-finding seem so easy. But even after you’ve tried those things, you’re more than likely still in the same place at the end of the day, saying, “When is it really going to happen for me?” You’re serious about doing whatever it takes to find your purpose, but up to this point you haven’t discovered the meaning of your life. Click Here To Download The Book

Preaching With Purpose

“Why the title of this book—Preaching with Purpose? Why a book on this subject at all?” There are reasons, good reasons. Let me mention several. First, there is a need to examine and to stress purpose because there is so much purposeless preaching today in which the preacher has only the vaguest idea of what he wants to achieve. The members of congregations who are subjected to this sort of preaching for any length of time, as a result, both individually and corporately, themselves, become aimless and confused. Secondly, the amazing lack of concern for purpose among homileticians and preachers has spawned a brood of preachers who are dull, lifeless, abstract, and impersonal; it has obscured truth, hindered joyous Christian living, destroyed dedication and initiative, and stifled service for Christ. But of greatest concern in my choice of the title for this book is a basic consideration that lies behind all others: I am convinced that purpose is of such vital importance to all a preache...

The Pursuit Of Purpose

“Let me go. Please let me die,” sobbed the frail, old gentleman as the strong young swimmer struggled against the boisterous waves of the open ocean. “Just a few more minutes, sir, and I will have you safely to shore,” replied the young man, gasping for every breath. Finally they made it to the beach and both fell, desperately exhausted, onto the sand. “Why did you save me?” cried the angry seventy-six-year-old man. “Why didn’t you let me die? Your good deed is the curse of my existence.” Startled by these words, the young man looked down at the older man who had nearly drowned. As he panted from the heroic effort of rescuing the victim from the violent waves, he shook his head, revealing the shock and the mystification that filled his mind. Click Here To Download The Book

Fulfilling Your Personal Prophecy

Our perspective towards prophecy should be that of a biblical attitude and the biblical attitude towards prophecy is thoroughly positive. Not only are we told to avoid despising prophecy—that is, assigning to it a lesser role than is proper; we are also exhorted to prove all prophecies, and hold fast to what is good and accurate in them (I Thess. 5:20,21). Even more importantly, God commands us to desire earnestly and covet the prophetic ministry (I Cor. 12:39; 14:1,39). It is, in fact, the only ministry that the scriptures tell Christians to covet. A truly inspired personal prophecy is God's specific word to an individual. So the same scriptural principles for the proper attitudes toward the written Logos Word should apply equally to the prophetically spoken rhema word. Several attitudes are critical for receiving a personal prophecy properly: Click Here To Download The Book

Finding Your Purpose In Life

His fears were eventually confirmed. His son returned home for a visit, obviously grappling with his faith in God. As they were conversing one day under an old oak tree, the son suddenly blurted out, “Dad, I just can’t believe in God anymore. Why, look at those pumpkins over there on the ground. They are big and heavy, yet have small and tender vines. But, this big oak tree, capable of supporting the weight of the pumpkins, only produces tiny acorns. If there was really an intelligent God of this universe, He would have placed the pumpkin on this oak tree, and the tiny acorn on the fragile vine.” Suddenly, an acorn fell from the tree, bouncing lightly off the top of the young man’s head. As the truth slowly dawned, he sheepishly spoke, “Dad, thank God that was not a pumpkin!” Click Here To Download The Book

Broken For A Purpose

As we walk through this life on earth, we are faced outwardly with many hardships, difficulties, sometimes poverty and even persecution. Yet there are other struggles and battles that are often much more intense, much more painful and much more severe than these. These are the battles we face on the inside, the ones that take place in our hearts. So often no one knows about them and no one cares. At times, we are not able to share them with anyone. We fight lonely, frightened and desperate. The Lord's answers and interventions seem so far away. We know that the outcome of some of these battles will determine if we make it or break under them. Yet when victory arrives and we have overcome, the effect on our own life and the lives of others is tremendous: We have been broken for a purpose! This book talks about some of these inward struggles. As you read it, may the Lord encourage you to trust Him as He leads you through your "valleys of the shadow of death" to victory. Cli...

God's Pursuit Of Man

The unconditioned priority of God in His universe is a truth celebrated both in the Old Testament and in the New. The prophet Habakkuk sang it in ecstatic language, “Art thou not from everlasting, O LORD my God, mine Holy One?” (1:12). The Apostle John set it forth in careful words deep with meaning, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made” (1:1-3). This truth is so necessary to right thoughts about God and ourselves that it can hardly be too strongly emphasized. It is a truth known to everyone, a kind of common property of all religious persons, but for the very reason that it is so common it now has but little meaning for any of us. It has suffered the fate of which Coleridge writes: Truths, of all others the most awful and interesting, are too often considered as so true that they lose all the power of truth and lie bed-ri...

Finding Your Purpose

God has some good things for you to do. The great thing about being faithful is more responsibility. God has already preplanned and ordained in advance the good works that you are to walk in. Why? So that when you do it, you don't take the credit. You can't even glory in the good things that you do because you realize God already planned for them ahead of time, and He literally set you up. He gave you the ability, He gave you the place, and then He anointed you to do what you were called to do. Click Here To Download The Book

40 Days To Discovering The Real You

The purpose of 40 Days to Discovering the Real You is to not only bring health and restoration to the souls of individuals, but also to provide a mechanism for all people to learn to live from the inside out—from their authentic, God-nature selves. This Soul Fast is not addressing the issue of what you are eating, but what’s eating you. The goal of this 40-day journey is to guide you through the process of discarding useless toxic emotions—self-sabotaging thoughts and viruses of the mind—so that you can fully live into who God created you to be. You will be invited to examine all of your objectives and relationships, any hidden agendas or motives that have governed your subconscious, in order to thrust you onto a new path of achievement and abundance. This journey is about setting you free once and for all to maximize your greatest potential. Click Here To Download The Book