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Preaching With Purpose

“Why the title of this book—Preaching with Purpose? Why a book on this subject at all?” There are reasons, good reasons. Let me mention several. First, there is a need to examine and to stress purpose because there is so much purposeless preaching today in which the preacher has only the vaguest idea of what he wants to achieve. The members of congregations who are subjected to this sort of preaching for any length of time, as a result, both individually and corporately, themselves, become aimless and confused.

Secondly, the amazing lack of concern for purpose among homileticians and preachers has spawned a brood of preachers who are dull, lifeless, abstract, and impersonal; it has obscured truth, hindered joyous Christian living, destroyed dedication and initiative, and stifled service for Christ. But of greatest concern in my choice of the title for this book is a basic consideration that lies behind all others: I am convinced that purpose is of such vital importance to all a preacher does that it ought to control his thinking and actions from start to finish in the preparation and delivery of sermons. It is my purpose in this book, therefore, to make the reader aware of this all-important role of purpose in preaching and to demonstrate to him that he must be aware of it from now on in all of his preaching endeavors. That is how basic purpose is.

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