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Showing posts with the label Healing

The Gifts Of Healing

The gifts of healings is God's power flowing down through your body to drive out afflictions in Jesus' name. It comes as the Spirit wills. The gifts of healings is a gift of power that God drops on people, but it's not manifested in the same way all the time. Sometimes God's healing power drops on you and your body just unfolds before Him and you just drop on the floor. Sometimes it drops on you and it comes so easy and precious and sweet and warm. Sometimes God's healing power will drop on you and you won't even FEEL ANYTHING, and you have to check yourself and find out that you're healed. When the gift of healing comes, it comes so quickly. It's given as the Spirit wills. You never know when it's going to happen. There are all kinds of ways for you to be healed. Laying on of hands is one way to be healed. The gifts of healing works differently. It is still God's healing power, don't get me wrong. It's the same kind of healing' power...

How To Heal The Sick

This will not be limited to the ordained ministers of the gospel, but will include the multitudes. God has anointed us and directed us to present the simple ways of healing the sick that he has been teaching us for the past few years. They have worked for us and multiplied thousands have been healed. We have taught others how to heal the sick and cast out devils,and it has worked for them. And it will for you. Click Here To Download The Book

Healing The Sick

Until you are fully convinced that God wants you to be well, there will always be a doubt in your mind as to whether or not you will be healed. As long as there is that doubt in your mind, perfect faith cannot exist; and until faith is exercised, without doubt or wavering, you may never be healed. Without faith it is impossible to please him: for they that come to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. [Hb 11:6] Click Here To Download The Book

Healing Power

Is God still willing to supernaturally heal people today or are those days long gone? That is a question many people have struggled with when confronted with a serious illness. Very few people doubt God’s ability to heal. The main question folks have is whether God wants to heal in today’s world. Or more specifically, does God want to heal me (or the person I am praying for) right now? Click Here To Download The Book

Bible Healing Study Course

From the natural standpoint, it is difficult for people to understand that most of the laws governing this earth today came into being through the fall of man—when Adam sinned and the curse came upon the earth. Because people don’t understand this, they accuse God of accidents, sickness, and the death of loved ones. And God is not the author of any of these things. People also blame God for the storms, catastrophes, earthquakes, and floods that occur. Even insurance policies call these “acts of God.” No, they are not acts of God. They are acts of the devil. Their author is Satan. Click Here To Download The Book