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Showing posts with the label Prayer

Smith Wigglesworth On Prayer, Power And Miracles

Dr. Lester Sumrall once told me a personal story about Smith Wigglesworth that illustrates his bold and unashamed personality. He told me how Wigglesworth would frequently travel with his daughter Alice. She had a hearing problem and would often sit and listen to her father’s sermons with a “hearing horn.” Once, a man yelled from the audience: “Wigglesworth! If you are such a healer in the power of God, then why does your daughter need a hearing horn?” Unshaken by the question, Wigglesworth looked to the man and said, “When you can tell me why Elijah was bald, I’ll tell you why Alice needs a hearing horn.” Smith Wigglesworth never minced his words, and he was never shaken by religious persecution. I admire that quality in Smith Wigglesworth. In fact, I’ve always loved his ministry. I am continually blessed by the mixture of his boldness, his faith, and his compassion. As I’ve traveled throughout the world, I’ve found that others have never grown tired of his ministry. Smith Wiggleswort...

When Women Pray

She starts the day the same way she has started every day for years. For decades. Lowering her knees to the compacted dirt of her simple quarters, she sits back on her heels and bows her head toward the ground. In the quiet stillness surrounding her, she quiets the racing echoes of her mind. She wants to be ready for this moment—ready to speak and listen, to offer and receive. Ready to pray. It’s 5:00 a.m. and she has much to accomplish. In an hour she will join the other members of her order for morning mass. That will be a respite. A chance to sit unknown and unrecognized among the rows of worshipers in blue and white habits. A chance to worship. A chance to be filled. Then it will be time to serve. To give of herself. When mass concludes, she will connect with each visitor in attendance, clasping every offered hand in both of her own, wrinkled fingers squeezing warmly. Next, she will walk the streets of her city to visit the sick and the needy. There is food and medicine to be offer...

The Power Of Tongues

When you speak in tongues, you're charging yourself in the spirit and stirring up the power of God resident within you. Then strength comes and the glory of God is revealed in your life. If you were weak in your Christian life, as you speak in other tongues, the power of God that has laid dormant within you would be stirred up and you'll be strengthened to do the things of God again. Speaking in other tongues, coupled with the confessions of the Word of God, will make you a spiritual giant. As you speak in tongues, you're building yourself up; you're recharging yourself like a battery on a charger. When you speak in other tongues, you're not just mouthing some religious gibberish but declaring mysteries in the spirit. You're speaking words that will change your whole world! Click Here To Download The Book

Prayers And Proclamations

Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. But we have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels in festal array, to the church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect, to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel. Click Here To Download The Book

The Power Of A Praying Wife

First of all, let me make it perfectly clear that the power of a praying wife is not a means of gaining control over your husband, so don’t get your hopes up! In fact, it is quite the opposite. It’s laying down all claim to power in and of yourself, and relying on God’s power to transform you, your husband, your circumstances, and your marriage. This power is not given to wield like a weapon in order to beat back an unruly beast. It’s a gentle tool of restoration appropriated through the prayers of a wife who longs to do right more than be right, and to give life more than get even. It’s a way to invite God’s power into your husband’s life for his greatest blessing, which is ultimately yours, too. Click Here To Download The Book

The Power Of A Praying Husband

Lord, create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me (Psalm 51:10). Show me where my attitude and thoughts are not what You would have them to be, especially toward my wife. Convict me when I am being unforgiving. Help me to quickly let go of any anger, so that confusion will not have a place in my mind. If there is behavior in me that needs to change, enable me to make changes that last. Whatever You reveal to me, I will confess to You as sin. Make me a man after Your own heart. Enable me to be the head of my home and family just as You created me to be. Click Here To Download The Book

Shaping History Through Prayer And Fasting

First of all, salt gives flavor. Food that in itself is unappetizing becomes tasty and acceptable when seasoned with salt. In Job 6:6, this is put in the form of a rhetorical question: "Can that which is unsavory be eaten without salt?" It is the presence of salt that makes the difference, causing us to enjoy food that we would otherwise have refused to eat. As Christians, our function is to give flavor to the earth. The one who enjoys this flavor is God. Our presence makes the earth acceptable to God. Our presence commends the earth to God's mercy. Without us, there would be nothing to make the earth acceptable to God. But because we are here, God continues to deal with the earth in grace and mercy rather than in wrath and judgment. It is our presence that makes the difference. Click Here To Download The Book

Secrets Of A Prayer Warrior

As we come to God in prayer, we need to begin with the understanding that He wants us to do so. Most of us probably need to change our negative and unattractive images of God. I know I did. These pictures often stand between God and us and hinder our prayers. I remember thinking as a boy growing up at school—and I spent many long and rather weary years in British boarding schools—that God was somewhat like a schoolmaster. I really was not too fond of schoolmasters, but that is how I envisaged Him—sitting at His desk, in His study at the end of a long corridor. If you ever had to go and see this Schoolmaster, you would kind of tiptoe down the corridor. The floorboards would creak as you stepped on them, giving warning that you were on the way. Then as you knocked at the door, the rather grumpy voice would tell you to come in and probably begin by scolding you for something you had done or had not done. Click Here To Download The Book

Quantum Fasting

Throughout my life and at various times, God has intervened in order to awaken me to His amazing grace. I believe nearly everyone will have or has had a direct encounter with heaven during his or her lifetime. Nevertheless, the choice to pursue those visitations remains with each individual. The accounts you are about to read are written to confirm and encourage others who have had similar experiences. These stories are a collection of dreams and visions I recall from early in life. Furthermore, while these experiences impacted my life greatly , the choice to pursue those encounters was difficult. I discovered that each time heaven intervenes on earth, so does hell. The powers and principalities of darkness are fully aware when the Light of Christ illuminates the reality of God and His Kingdom. This describes what happens each time God commissions angels to show themselves. Click Here To Download The Book

The Purpose And Power Of Praise And Worship

Man’s ability to fulfill his purpose and to be all God intended him to be is predicated on the requirement that he obey the principles God established when He created human beings. Why is this true? God is a God of principles. Everything He created was established to operate by certain principles that guarantee its proper function. This pattern in creation includes human beings. We were created to operate by principles that God established before He created us. These principles or rules of operation for human beings are found throughout the Bible, although they are not always referred to as principles. They may also be referred to as God’s laws, ordinances, precepts, statutes, commands, commandments, decrees, instructions, word, and ways. Although the meaning of each of these words carries a slightly different nuance from the others, they all carry within them the basic concept of a principle, which is a law that is established to preserve and protect a created thing and to assure its ...

Prison To Praise

There was the touch of cold metal against my left wrist and the harsh voice in my ear: “This is the FBI. You are under arrest.” I’d been relaxing in the back seat of the car with my left arm hanging out the window. The car was stolen and I was AWOL from the Army. Being AWOL didn’t bother me. It was the getting caught that hurt my pride. I’d always considered myself capable of doing my own thing and getting away with it. Now I had to suffer the humiliation of the jail cell, stand in line for lousy cold chow, go back to the lonely cell and the hard bunk with nothing to do but stare at the wall. How could I have been stupid enough to get into a mess like this? I’d been a pretty independent fellow from the time I was twelve. That’s when my father died suddenly, leaving my mother alone with three boys to raise. My brothers were seven and one, and Mother started taking in washings and went on relief to keep us alive. She always talked about Dad being in heaven and how God would take care of ...

Praying The Right Way

A lot of people wonder why their prayers are not being answered and things aren’t working right for them. Well, that’s why prayer is such an important subject and we must know the right way to do it. The first thought that must be established in your mind in order for you to be able to pray effectively is this: God wants to hear and answer your prayers. If He had planned it any other way, He would never have required you to pray. That’s why He said, Click Here To Download The Book

Praying For The Impossible

John Fletcher, an English Clergyman and author stained the walls of his roomby the breath of his prayers. Smith Wigglesworth prayed until the glory smoke became visible and people convicted to the extent of running outside of the church building until he was done. Victor Kusi Boateng under extreme burden to preach to the whole world, yet knowing not a word in English prayed and fasted for a whole year and God supernaturally touched his tongue and he just woke up one day speaking perfect English. Click Here To Download The Book

Prayers That Avail Much For Teens

Dear Teenager, If you didn’t buy this book, you probably received it as a gift from a caring parent, grandparent, or teacher. However, the written prayers herein were suggested by your peers — young people who understand the pressures and present-day issues with which you are confronted every day. Teenagers from all walks of life are finding assurance, comfort, courage, hope, and faith as they pray fromthese pages. You are living in a society that would lead you to believe that there are no absolutes — one in which everything you have been taught by the Church is being challenged. Male and female roles are changing, family values are in the process of being re-defined, and sensitivity to right and wrong is disappearing. Click Here To Download The Book

Prayers That Avail Much For New Believers

The prayers in this book are to be used by you for yourself and for others. They are a matter of the heart. Deliberately pray and meditate on each prayer. Allow the Holy Spirit to make the Word a reality in your heart. Your spirit will become alive to God’s Word, and you will begin to think like God thinks and talk like He talks. You will find yourself poring over His Word, hungering for more and more. The Father rewards those who diligently seek Him(Heb. 11:6). Research and contemplate the spiritual significance of each verse listed with the prayers. These are by no means the only Scriptures on certain subjects, but they are a beginning. Click Here To Download The Book

Prayers For Your Future Husband

Dear Future Hubby, I woke up yesterday morning with the words “spiritual authority” ringing in my head. I went to sit at my prayer spot still thinking about those words. As I began to pray, I thought of Job and later on, checked his story in the Bible. I saw this: “When the parties were over, Job would get up early in the morning and sacrifice a burnt offering for each of his children, thinking, "Maybe one of them sinned by defying God inwardly." Job made a habit of this sacrificial atonement, just in case they'd sinned.” Job 1:5, MSG Click Here To Download The Book

Prayer Secrets

Notice that Jesus said, "... in that day ye shall ask me nothing." Jesus said this just before He went away. He was talking about the mediatorial session at the right hand of the Father when He ascended and was seated. Another translation reads, "In that day ye shall not pray to me." Jesus said to ask the Father in His Name. There is no other way to pray. We can tell Jesus how much we love Him and appreciate Him, but when it comes to praying and asking, we must ask the Father through the Lord Jesus. Ephesians 3:14,15 says, "For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named." It is not important what church you belong to, but it is important whose family you belong to. Click Here To Download The Book

The Prayer That God Cannot Ignore

With three university degrees in the field of business and finance, the moment I heard the words ‘prayer is just a medium of exchange’, my mind raced uncontrollably trying to link the word of the Lord on prayer to what the financial world taught me about mediums of exchange. I knew I was onto something deep but so simple that even a child would get it, but at the time of hearing this I was immediately thrown into discovery mode. I knew right away that I needed to know what makes prayer catch the undivided attention of God. This was a mission I was not to fail. I just had to know ‘the prayer that God cannot ignore!’ Click Here To Download The Book

Prayer Storm

A storm of prayer releases a storm of power. A prayer storm, to pull out some more dictionary definitions of storm, does not have to be compared only with weather terminology. You can have other kinds of storms: a storm of anger or protest; or a storm of the opposite emotion, such as a storm of laughter; a storm or bombardment of objects, a storm or torrent of communications, even a stormwindow (we could play with that one!). When we use the word storm as a verb, we talk about military-type storming of a fortified location, often suddenly and with great force, in order to attack and capture it. We speak of storming out of a room with violent anger, pushing forward like a thunderhead driven before the wind. We also, of course, say it is “storming” when the sky is dark, lightening flashes, and the wind blows, driving rain or snow before it. Click Here To Download The Book

Praise And Worship With Flags

Flags and banners can be used before a worship service to declare allegiance to God, who is our Banner. We can use the flags to rally and signal the troops (believers in the congregation and forces in the spirit realm) that we are about to engage in spiritual warfare. We are calling on Jesus as the Spirit of the Lord, Jehovah-Tsebaoth, to put our enemy to flight. Sometimes I would stand before the congregation during the invocation with two flags raised, one in each hand. I pray with the flags raised. I call on the Lord of Battles, the Spirit of the Lord. Click Here To Download The Book