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The Purpose And Power Of Praise And Worship

Man’s ability to fulfill his purpose and to be all God intended him to be is predicated on the requirement that he obey the principles God established when He created human beings. Why is this true? God is a God of principles. Everything He created was established to operate by certain principles that guarantee its proper function. This pattern in creation includes human beings. We were created to operate by principles that God established before He created us.

These principles or rules of operation for human beings are found throughout the Bible, although they are not always referred to as principles. They may also be referred to as God’s laws, ordinances, precepts, statutes, commands, commandments, decrees, instructions, word, and ways. Although the meaning of each of these words carries a slightly different nuance from the others, they all carry within them the basic concept of a principle, which is a law that is established to preserve and protect a created thing and to assure its maximum performance. So each time these words occur in Scripture, the particular word used may be removed and the word principle may be inserted in its place. These varying words for God’s principles can be clearly seen in Psalms 19 and 119:

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