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Smith Wigglesworth On Prayer, Power And Miracles

Dr. Lester Sumrall once told me a personal story about Smith Wigglesworth that illustrates his bold and unashamed personality. He told me how Wigglesworth would frequently travel with his daughter Alice. She had a hearing problem and would often sit and listen to her father’s sermons with a “hearing horn.” Once, a man yelled from the audience:

“Wigglesworth! If you are such a healer in the power of God, then why does your daughter need a hearing horn?” Unshaken by the question, Wigglesworth looked to the man and said, “When you can tell me why Elijah was bald, I’ll tell you why Alice needs a hearing horn.” Smith Wigglesworth never minced his words, and he was never shaken by religious persecution. I admire that quality in Smith Wigglesworth. In fact, I’ve always loved his ministry. I am continually blessed by the mixture of his boldness, his faith, and his compassion. As I’ve traveled throughout the world, I’ve found that others have never grown tired of his ministry. Smith Wigglesworth had a true Pentecostal ministry with no man-made strings attached. Walking in an astounding measure of anointing, Wigglesworth never waited for special camp meetings to show the power of God. Instead, he daily demonstrated the book of Acts, producing countless salvations and miracles in his ministry.

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