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Showing posts with the label Marriage

The Good News About Marriage

As part of the relationship research that my husband, Jeff, and I have done over the past twelve years, we have interviewed and surveyed thousands of people about their innermost thoughts, needs, and fears. Early on, we began to get a clear window not only into their needs as men and women, which was what we were primarily trying to study, but also into how their relationships worked, what inspired and discouraged them, what they believed about marriage, parenting, the workplace, and culture. Eventually it was clear that there was one common denominator among marriages that survived versus those that failed: hope. There were many different factors that led to either outcome, of course. But underneath it all was this bottom line: Did the couple have a sense of hope … or a sense of futility? Click Here To Download The Book

The Act Of Marriage

The act of marriage is that beautiful and intimate relationship shared uniquely by a husband and wife in the privacy of their love—and it is sacred. In a real sense, God designed them for that relationship. Proof that it is a sacred experience appears in God’s first commandment to humankind: “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it” (Gen. 1:28). That charge was given before sin entered the world; therefore lovemaking and procreation were ordained and enjoyed while the man and the woman continued in their original state of innocence. This necessarily includes the strong and beautiful mating urge a husband and wife feel for each other. Doubtless Adam and Eve felt that urge in the Garden of Eden, just as God intended, and although we lack any written report for proof, it is reasonable to conclude that Adam and Eve made love before sin entered the garden (see Gen. 2:25). The idea that God designed our sex organs for our enjoyment comes almost as a surprise to some ...

Point Man

Today is diʃerent because the patrol leader has appointed you to be “point man.” In essence, you’re the leader. Everyone else will fall in behind you. And as you move out to encounter the enemy, you realize that the survival of those seven men stepping cautiously behind you will depend upon just one thing: your ability to lead. Your judgment may determine whether they live or die. The responsibility hangs over your head like the suʃocating humidity that hangs heavy in the air. Your senses have never been so alive, your adrenalin so surging. You can almost hear it rushing through your veins. You know the enemy is near, maybe just hundreds of yards away. Intelligence reported heavy enemy activity in this area late last night. Your job is to confirm or deny that activity. For all you know, they’re watching you right now. Perhaps they can see you, but you don’t have a clue where they are. Click Here To Download The Book

Sexual Principles Of Marriage

We are looking into the matters from the unmarried state to the married. The Lord Jesus Christ wants to open the eye of your understanding to so many things. If there are things you find hard to understand as you read, I will advise that you rely on the Holy Spirit for interpretation. Kindly ask the Lord in prayers because you are about to unravel some mysteries. Click Here To Download The Book

Raising Godly Teens

God’s word says, “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.” This is the clear instruction from God’s word on this matter. It however raises the salient question, ‘in what way should the child go?’ To answer this question, parents will need to consult the child’s Maker, the One who formed the child and placed him or her on earth in their care. They would also have to be watchful to recognize the calling of each child. The child’s calling will usually manifest itself in several ways – their rare gifts or talents, natural abilities or aptitude, their passions, areas of strength (and weakness!), and even their basic make-up or temperaments. Click Here To Download The Book

Oh This My Husband

That faithful morning, I cried to my Pastor’s house. I was fed up; my bags were packed. I had just finished telling my husband every bitter word I can remember in the dictionary. I fabricated new words that best described a monster that he is.Yes, he is a monster, he acted so nicely during the courtship. But as soon as I became Mrs. Momoh, all hell was let loose. There is nothing that I did that was good.  I had a well-paying job as a factory manager in Lagos. I had a driver and I had an expense account. But after six months of marriage I thought I had gotten pregnant and Ige my husband let all hell loose over the fact that my work will kill the baby. Unfortunately, three months later my period came back and thus more war. I left my job to please him and became a full time house wife. But by then he was no more around to make love to me, he was always coming home late. I discover strings of relationships on his phone and when I confronted him, he complained that since I killed the ...

Keys For Marriage

Males and females have different—but perfectly complementary—designs. The secret to a successful marriage is to recognize, support, and benefit from these harmonious purposes. It is to help one’s spouse, through unconditional love, to become all God created him or her to be. Where purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable. No matter how serious you are about your marriage, if you don’t know the reason why it exists, you will abuse it in some way. Keys for Marriage introduces you to God’s plan for husbands and wives and provides biblical principles you can immediately put into practice in your own marriage. As you grow to be the couple God designed you to be, you will discover firsthand the truth of the Scripture, “They shall become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). Click Here To Download The Book

The Fatherhood Principle

Being a father is the most fulfilling job a man can have. As Christian parents, we have the unique opportunity to make an eternal investment in the lives of our children. Jesus often referred to God as “Father.” God the Father gives unconditional love, leadership, and guidance. He protects and allows us to learn by His words. God has entrusted us with His sacred title: Father. In the last few decades, society has strayed away from the importance that fatherhood holds. We have seen the family redefined so much that, in many cases, the father is not even present. The traditional family is fading away, and, with it, we are losing God’s blessing and missing the mark. Becoming a good father is not automatic—it takes time and effort. We must be willing to invest in this job—our most important, second to being a husband—as any other career we might pursue. A father should present the fundamental qualities of leadership, responsibility, and accountability, as well as the capabilities of planni...

Marriage, Divorce And Remarriage

In the day and age that we live, it is imperative that our families are strong and secure. The two institutions that the devil fights harder than anything else are the family and the Church. So it is important to understand what the Word of God says concerning the family. God wants your marriage to be successful and your family to be a place of love. Whether married or single, God wants your life to be peaceful. By coming in line with the Word, you will experience good results. You will see your home become like Heaven on earth! This book is divided into six chapters. Chapter 1 focuses on some common misunderstandings people have had concerning what the Bible says about marriage, divorce, and remarriage. You see, what Jesus said in Matthew chapter 19 and what Paul said in First Corinthians chapter 7 seem to conflict. And for years, people have struggled to find the answer. I explain in Chapter 2 how to interpret these passages based on commonly accepted rules of Bible interpretation. C...

Marriage Covenant

It is the union, the coming together of two people of opposite sexes with a view to building a God-centred home. Notice the words, "woman" and "man" in the above scripture. Marriage is an honourable thing with the bed undefiled.  It is a unique relationship ordained by God, for a man and a woman to give and receive satisfaction for their healthy needs and desires. The relationship is unique because it involves the two individuals, spirit, soul and body. Spiritually, their lives must have been transformed, both of them being born-again, becoming new creatures and therefore, belonging to the same spiritual kingdom. In the realm of the soul, both of them should have the same mind concerning various matters, especially the principles of the doctrine of Christ as stated in Hebrews 6:1-2, for two cannot walk together except they be agreed (Amos 3:3). In the realm of the body, both must accept the fact that their bodies belong to each other and thus be ready to share it wi...

Loving Your Spouse When You Feel Like Walking Away

Thousands of couples are struggling in their marriages. Maybe you are one of them. You could write a book titled How to Be Married and Miserable. Some of you have been married for five years and others for twenty-five years. You entered marriage with the same high hopes with which most of us said, “I do.” You never intended to be miserable; in fact, you dreamed that in marriage you would be supremely happy. Some of you were happy before you got married and anticipated that marriage would simply enhance your already exciting life. Others entered marriage with a deeply dysfunctional history. Your hope was that in marriage you would finally discover meaning and happiness. In every case, a man and woman anticipated that marriage would be a road leading upward, that whatever life had been to that point, it would get better after marriage. Click Here To Download The Book

Keys For Men

What is real manhood? How are men and women meant to relate to one another? How can men be effective husbands and fathers? Contemporary concepts of maleness are often ambiguous. They also tend to focus on roles rather than on the male’s underlying purpose—a crucial distinction. Some would like to dismiss males as hopelessly aggressive and domineering, with a nature in need of an overhaul. All the above issues reflect a crisis of identity. What does it mean to be male? The true nature of the male can be determined only by returning to the original process of his creation, based on the premise that no one knows a product like its manufacturer. It is imperative that the male rediscover his original purpose in God and understand his true potential, as well as gain a clear understanding of his principal function within the human family. Click Here To Download The Book

Habits Of A Godly Woman

If you change your habits, you’ll change your life. That may sound like a bold statement, but I believe it’s true. To a great degree, your life consists of your habits—the things you think, say, and do repeatedly. The way you spend your time, your money, and your energy each day is largely based on habits. If you’re like most people, you have some kind of routine for every day. Even if the daily routine varies, you may have a routine for each week—certain things you want to do and certain things you have to do. Over time, those things have become habits for you. All kinds of habits are at work in our physical lives, sometimes without our even realizing it. We have a habit of going to work, a habit of brushing our teeth, a habit of seeing the doctor for an annual physical, a habit of taking out the trash on certain days of the week, habits for cooking and cleaning at home, and habits with friends and family. We may also have habits regarding exercise or lack of exercise, or habits perta...

Her Daughter's Dream

“I can’t sleep with you, Trip. I need to be quarantined.” She could barely absorb the news that Mama had agreed to help. “I can’t be near the children.” At least, she could hear them; she could see them. Mama said she’d come. Mama was moving in. Hildie trembled, taking it all in. She felt a little sick to her stomach. “I’ll need a hospital bed.” She gave Trip instructions about her room. No rug. A window shade rather than curtains. The simpler the room, the easier to keep sanitized. Trip looked so hopeful, it broke her heart. He leaned down to kiss her forehead before he left. “You’ll be home soon.” Now, she couldn’t sleep. Rather than get back into bed, Hildie sat in a chair by the window and looked out at the stars. What was it going to be like, having Mama living under her roof, taking care of her, taking care of her children, taking care of all the chores that needed to be done so Trip didn’t have to do everything? Would Mama despise her for not fighting harder? Her eyes burned; he...

Family Driven Faith

Do you know where your children are?” If you are part of my mom’s generation, you recognize that saying. You probably heard it each evening before you watched the nightly news. The idea was simple enough: parents ought to make sure their children are in the house at a decent hour. Who would argue with that (other than a teenager wanting to stay out late)? Today the question should be asked this way: “Do you know where your children are spiritually?” Is little Johnny biblically literate? Does Sally know the difference between virginity and purity? Are your children on the road to responsible Christian adulthood, or are they part of an alarming new trend that has seen the overwhelming majority of so-called Christian children walk away from the faith? Click Here To Download The Book

Anchor Man

Can you imagine a father talking to a child like that? Now I know why Stern talks to millions of people every day on the radio like that. Why did Howard Stern’s father talk to him like that? I think that Howard’s father talked to him like that because when his father was a young boy his father talked to him like that. In other words the problem of degrading young boys with poisoned speech in the Stern family probably didn’t begin with Howard’s father. And it may not have started with his father. It’s entirely possible that kind of speech to children has been in the Stern family for generations. Click Here To Download The Book

ABCs OF Parenting

  Learning to apologize as well as to forgive, is an important life skill. So many of us have yet not acquired the simple skill of saying we’re sorry, even in adulthood. Contrary to what some people think, and most children at first believe, apologizing is not a sign of weakness or a sign that you are a bad person. It is, in fact, a sign of strength. It is a demonstration that you have the moral fibre to identify your own mistake, and the courage to express this to whoever you have wronged or hurt. Teaching a child to say sorry involves a complex set of responses on the part of a parent. It involves teaching your child to be empathetic: Which means, learning to put himself in the shoes of the person who he has hurt. Few kids before the age of five are able to imagine how someone else feels. This emotional skill has to be fostered by the parent. Helping a child learn to admit when a mistake or inappropriate action occurs is an important part of developing a child’s character, and pr...

A Faith Full Marriage

Deep in the heart of every man is a need for companionship—for a helpmeet, a completer who will join him in his journey through life. Even at the dawn of Creation, in a perfect world, God said of Adam, “…It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him” (Genesis 2:18). Man was created needing help and needing completeness to be found in a lifelong, loving relationship. Click Here To Download The Book

52 Things Husbands Need From Their Wives

I refuse to assemble Ikea furniture. I load the dishwasher wrong. I leave newspapers scattered on the kitchen table. A cup of caffeinated coffee after 6 p.m. will keep me tossing and turning in our shared bed until 2 a.m. According to a recent MRI, my knees need to be replaced. I’m not as patient as I need to be. I like my mom’s chili better than my wife’s. I like dairy products, but they gurgle my tummy, with unpleasant results. I have sharp toenails. In other words, I am not the perfect husband. As a matter of fact, I have dozens more flaws that I’m not going to reveal in these pages. To be clear, we’re not talking about any of the four A’s—abuse, adultery, addiction, or abandonment—which go way beyond the definition of “flaw.” Each one of those challenges is a type of brokenness that needs repair. We’ll wrestle with some of those issues in later chapters, and more than likely they’ll require some professional counseling. Click Here To Download The Book

52 Things Wives Need From Their Husbands

Before I reveal the formula for living happily ever after, let’s consider the work that needs to be done. Bringing home a paycheck. Paying bills. Changing lightbulbs. Changing diapers. Grocery shopping. Making dinner. Making lunches. Remembering birthdays. Tucking in. Weed whacking. Scheduling date nights. Carpooling to soccer. Planning vacations. Planning retirement. Feeding the dog. Waiting for the cable guy. Assembling furniture from Ikea. Sorting socks. Signing report cards. Entertaining in-laws. Running out for milk. Loading the dishwasher. Laundry. Taxes. Romance. Etcetera. Over the years, these tasks will somehow be divided into “his,” “hers,” “both,” and “whoever is available at the time.” When the dust settles, your day-to-day list of responsibilities may have a sense of balance. You do the tucking in. She makes lunches. You run out for milk. She feeds the dog. You dirty dishes. She washes dishes. Gentlemen, this is the first big takeaway of this book: Never suggest or even th...