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The Act Of Marriage

The act of marriage is that beautiful and intimate relationship shared uniquely by a husband and wife in the privacy of their love—and it is sacred. In a real sense, God designed them for that relationship. Proof that it is a sacred experience appears in God’s first commandment to humankind: “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it” (Gen. 1:28). That charge was given before sin entered the world; therefore lovemaking and procreation were ordained and enjoyed while the man and the woman continued in their original state of innocence.

This necessarily includes the strong and beautiful mating urge a husband and wife feel for each other. Doubtless Adam and Eve felt that urge in the Garden of Eden, just as God intended, and although we lack any written report for proof, it is reasonable to conclude that Adam and Eve made love before sin entered the garden (see Gen. 2:25). The idea that God designed our sex organs for our enjoyment comes almost as a surprise to some people. 

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