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Showing posts with the label Business

The Business World And What School Didn't Teach You About Business

While there is nothing wrong in becoming 'mature', something in us tends to fear anything abnormal, risky and unusual. This would not have been a problem, if the world school prepares children for the world of good job, still exists. Click Here To Download The Book

The Six-Figure Second Income

You don’t need big blocks of time to get a six-figure second income. All you need is scraps of time here and there. It used to be that if you wanted a second income, you needed to go out and get a second job. That meant coming home from your first job dead tired, then wolfing down your dinner and going back out to work some more hours. Hey, you can still do that today if you want to—but it’s just not necessary. Imagine back to when the telephone was a revolutionary new device and how a conversation might have gone between someone who knew about the new technology and someone who had no clue: Click Here To Download The Book

The Entrepreneur Escape Plan

The inevitable reaction from my father was to work more hours. Such was the pressure of this business. The business continued to fail, and my father worked more and more. It got to the point where my father and my mother worked over 18 hours per day. They tried to keep this failing business afloat and some food on our table. I cannot begin to imagine how this must have felt to my parents as the walls slowly began drawing in. Did they feel blind panic, shame, helplessness, and fear? Who knows, but it was not good. Click Here To Download The Book

Screenplay The Foundation Of Screenwriting

Screenplay changed all that. It laid out the principles of dramatic structure to establish the foundations of screenwriting. It was also the first book to use well-known and popular movies of the time to illustrate the craft of writing for the screen. And, as we all know, screenwriting is a craft that occasionally rises to the level of art. Click Here To Download The Book

Smarter Faster Better

“Productivity,” of course, means different things in different settings. One person might spend an hour exercising in the morning before dropping the kids at school and consider the day a success. Another might opt to use that time locked in her office, returning emails and calling a few clients, and feel equally accomplished. A research scientist or artist may see productivity in failed experiments or discarded canvases since each mistake, they hope, gets them closer to discovery, while an engineer’s measure of productivity might focus on making an assembly line ever faster. A productive weekend might involve walking through the park with your kids, while a productive workday involves rushing them to daycare and getting to the office as early as you can. Productivity, put simply, is the name we give our attempts to figure out the best uses of our energy, intellect, and time as we try to seize the most meaningful rewards with the least wasted effort. It’s a process of learning how to s...

Small Business Big Money

  No one is telling you that as an entrepreneur, the odds are stacked against you. You are more likely to fail than succeed. I don’t care what your pastor or motivational speaker told you. You are more likely to fail than succeed. Researchers have come to the conclusion that 90% of businesses will fail. You know what that means? Click Here To Download The Book

Secret Of The Millionaire Mind

We live in a world of duality: up and down, light and dark, hot and cold, in and out, fast and slow, right and left. These are but a few examples of the thousands of opposite poles. For one pole to exist, the other pole must also exist. Is it possible to have a right side without a left side? Not a chance.  Consequently, just as there are “outer” laws of money, there must be “inner” laws. The outer laws include things like business knowledge, money management, and investment strategies. These are essential. But the inner game is just as important. An analogy would be a carpenter and his tools. Having top-of-the-line tools is imperative, but being the top-notch carpenter who masterfully uses those tools is even more critical. Click Here To Download The Book

Passive Income

Building a solid long term passive income on the internet requires several things; the most important is having traffic. Traffic is the term used to describe the people coming or visiting your website. it is a simple formula: Click Here To Download The Book

Passive Income

Passive income is one that you earn without doing much work or working significantly less, i.e., while being “passive”. Active income is the salary you earn from being employed. Passive income is interest in your bank deposits or investments in Treasury bills. Active income is the professional fee you earn for rendering consultancy services. Passive income is earning rental income from the apartment unit you’re leasing out. It is money dripping into your pocket from an (ideally) autonomous system you have established. Click Here To Download The Book

Making Money For Beginners

Have you ever thought of getting out of the rat race? Leaving that dead-end job and starting your own business, so you don’t have to take shit from nobody? In this book, I will do exactly that and teach you how to start your own Craigslist, Fiverr and YouTube business. Click Here To Download The Book

How To Write A Business Plan

  Writing a plan is a journey through the  mind of one person. Even in partnerships  and corporations, usually one person has  the vision and energy to take an idea and  turn it into a business by writing a business  plan. For that reason, I have addressed this  book to the business owner as a single  individual rather than a husband-and-wife  team, group, committee, partnership, or  corporation. And you’ll find that the same  financial and analytical tools necessary to  convince potential lenders and investors  that your business idea is sound can also  help you decide whether your idea is the  right business for you. Click Here To Download The Book

Jewish Wisdom For Business Success

Why have so many Jews been successful at business? There are plenty of theories: genetics, cultural sensibilities, the herring. We don’t agree with any of them. But before we present our answer to the question, here’s the story on which the herring theory is based.  Click Here To Download The Book

How To Become A Millionaire In 7 Steps

My poor dad always said to me, “Go to school and get a job.” While he had the best intentions, what he was really encouraging me to do was to grow up and mind somebody else’s business. In other words, become an employee and make somebody else rich. Regardless of who you are, one of the most important things you can do is to take responsibility for your own financial well-being by minding your own business. Your own business is the asset column on your financial statement. Click Here To Download The Book

How To Earn $2,057/hr On Fiverr By Selling Digital Products

If you have never been to, you should know that it is an awesome outsourcing site.  Jay Boyer of JJ Fast Publishing has been using it almost daily for his online business, and one day three years ago he decided to see if he could become a seller himself to offset some of the money that he was spending on the site. He had no interest in becoming a "normal" Fiverr seller. In other words, he didn't want to go by the service-based model that 99% of all Fiverr sellers are using. Click Here To Download The Book

The Most Dangerous Book You Will Ever Read

This book takes the tools of military intelligence such as heightened observation skills, deliberate interpersonal interactions, and a Special Forces–like bias for action and relates their potential value to the business world today.  The metaphor of business leaders as intelligence assets using finely honed skills, tools, and a deliberate backbone to advance their companies in a vision that business is war drives home some key realities. If you are not aware of tools such as these in this book, how do you know if they aren’t being used on you daily?  Click Here To Download The Book

Commanding Your Business

Did you know that prosperity is as much of a choice as what you wear each morning? Granted, the impact of the decision to prosper is arguably more life altering than the clothes you wear; nonetheless, the good news is that prosperity and abundance are available to anyone that will grab them by faith! You must decide to live the abundant life Christ purchased for you and couple that decision with your confession and faith fueled actions. Click Here To DownloadbThe Book

Business Secrets From The Bible

As long as we all grow our own wheat and corn, and stitch our own clothes, and churn our own butter, and make our own shoes, we need nobody else. We aren’t even thinking of anyone else. We’re only thinking of how to find enough time in the day to grow vegetables, feed the goats, shear the sheep, and shoe the horses. This is no way to live if you don’t have to, and in the modern world, we do not have to.  Click to Download

Anointed For Business

Anointed for Business is a welcome addition to the teaching ministry of Ed Silvoso. While his early books have greatly blessed the Body of Christ, this one is destined to release even more of God’s ministers into the fulfillment of their destiny. I have been privileged to watch this message become formed in Ed and released to the Body, and I can say from firsthand experience, “Get ready to be blessed!” Click to Download

597 Business Ideas You Can Start At Home

  If you want to greatly speed up the process, learn from an entrepreneur in your field who has been very successful. That’s the short cut! Rather than re-inventing the wheel, trying things that won’t work and spending months and years finding a way that does works, simply follow the lead of someone who has already figured it all out. Click to Download

100 Great Business Ideas

Both selling and influencing suffer from the similar misconception that success requires you to aggressively or cleverly push a product or idea. This misunderstanding leads to inappropriate behaviors. For example, people can become evasive, “pushy,” and aggressive, or overly talkative and agreeable. Selling and influencing depends on getting behavior right, by moderating openness and assertiveness with warmth and competence. Combined with a great product or brand, this goes a long way to building customer loyalty. Click to Download