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Showing posts with the label Finance

Where The Money Is Right Now And How To Get It

I am not sure how you stumbled on this report but l want you to know that you have stumbled on a gold mine. Within the next few pages, I am going to show you 5 little known but proven and highly profitable businesses that can make you anything from N400,000 to N2m or even N15m a month. I call these businesses "little known" because they are not the generic type of businesses that most people are aware of. Apart from that, they do not need a lot of capital for you to get started. And they are highly profitable too as well. Click Here To Download The Book

Understanding Financial Prosperity

Prosperity in the kingdom doesn't answer to fasting, nor does it answer to prayer, or prayer of agreement! It only answers to your understanding and practice of covenant details!  What you are selling or the business you're involved in is not what determines your prosperity. No! It is the light under which you are operating that determines the results you get. Let's stop wishing, let's step out and walk in the light! Click Here To Download The Book

The Millionaire Fastlane

“The Fastlane mentality is a refreshing perspective on growing wealth in time to enjoy it. I am so tired of the traditional advice of working hard and saving gradually. This Slowlane approach was not working for me. MJ helped me realize what was possible, and I am 'accelerating' faster than I could have imagined. My business and my net worth is growing every day. I hate to imagine where I would be today without The Fastlane.” Click Here To Download The Book

The Richest Man In Babylon

  Ahead of you stretches your future, like a road leading into the distance. Along that road are ambitions you wish to accomplish . . . desires you wish to gratify. To bring your ambitions and desires to fulfilment, you must be successful with money. Use the financial principles made clear in the pages that follow. Let them guide you away from the stringency of a lean purse to that fuller, happier life a full purse makes possible. Like the law of gravity, these laws of money are universal and unchanging. May they prove to be for you, as they have proven to so many others, a sure key to a fat purse, larger bank balances and gratifying financial progress. Click Here To Download The Book

The Next Millionaire Next Door

Wealth is how much you accumulate. Net worth is your balance sheet—the net of your assets less your liabilities. Income is what you bring in over a period of time, and you report it on your annual income tax return. Periodic income certainly affects your net worth (balance sheet), but doesn’t define true wealth. Consider an individual who makes $1 million in wages in a year and spends $1.2 million in consumption during that same year. The wealth (balance sheet) impact would be negative $200,000. Click Here To Download The Book

The Laws Of Prosperity

To prosper in your soul, you must be able to control your mind, your will and your emotions. Just because you have accumulated large amounts of knowledge does not mean that your mind is prosperous. Prosperity of the mind comes when you use the knowledge that has been accumulated—when you are controlling your mind instead of your mind controlling you. Second Corinthians 10:5 says we are to cast down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God (or against the Word of God), bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. The person who does this has control of his mind and is in position to prosper mentally. You cannot control your mind completely without the Word of God being alive and operating inside you. Click Here To Download The Book

Guide To Creating A Cash Machine For Life

“When rich people get together they don’t talk about saving money; they talk about the other side of the ledger, how to make money with money. They talk about all sorts of businesses they are into to augment their paycheck and create even more wealth. “Yet, the vast majority of financial self-help books are all about trying to make ends meet, about trying to take a little bit of money and conserve it. Some might focus on how to invest better in the stock market. But almost none talk about what the wealthy talk about when they chat: making big money on the money they have. Click Here To Download The Book

The Covenant Of Wealth

God has given you power to get wealth so that He can establish His covenant. The word establish means "founded and grounded financially so that no economic problems could ever uproot or overthrow the orderly operation of that covenant on the earth." Do you really think God wants the state of the world's economy to affect the operation of His Church and His chosen ministries? Do you really think God would want every economic slump in the natural realm to disrupt the ministry of His Church? Click Here To Download The Book

The Nigerian Economy, The Way Forward

The Nigerian economy is in crisis. This is an obvious fact. Given the fact that the crisis has manifested itself in several forms, such as: the alarming rate of youth unemployment, increasing urban crime, corruption in both private and public spheres and the likes; it appears the “Sleeping Giant” is snoring deeply. Click Here To Download The Book

The Basics Of Finance

he purpose of this book is to provide an introduction to financial decision-making, and the framework in which these decisions are made. The Basics of Finance is an accessible book for those who want to gain a better understanding of this field, but lack a strong business background. In this book, we cover the essential concepts, tools, methods, and strategies in finance without delving too far into theory. Click Here To Download The Book

Success Strategies

  Many people know what they are looking for, but they do not know what it looks like. This explains why the search for success, for many, has been an endless search. Except you know what you are looking for, you may not be able to identify it when you find it. It is one thing to know what you want, it is another thing to know what it looks like. Success is the innate desire of every human being; everybody craves after it, every one celebrates it. Parents, grandparents, all respectively, desire success for their children and grandchildren. A popular adage says, “Failure is an orphan as success has many mothers”. In other words, it is natural to embrace success and shun failure. Everyone is searching for success, but most people do not know what it looks like. Because of the predominant wrong descriptions of success, many have been searching for it in futility. The question then is : what is success? What does it look like? Click Here To Download The Book

Secrets Of The Richest Man Who Ever Lived

Your dream is closer than it has ever been in your lifetime. The "Golden Secrets of Success" are within your reach. In fact, they are inside this book. If you have ever done something right, you are doing it now— holding this book in your hand. Solomon was a master of achievement. Few men in history have equaled his magnificent works. Now thirty-one of his most powerful secrets of success have been gathered for you to read and absorb. They are simple, yet profound. Your life can change. Your success can be multiplied. Click Here To Download The Book

Secrets Of Six-Figure Women

Six-figure women seem to instinctively know: Tough times are no time to keep a low profile or be risk averse. It’s not that they weren’t scared. As you’ll often see in the following pages, there is no such thing as fearless among even the highest flyers. And like most every-one else, the worse the economy, the higher their anxiety. Yet, they  never used economic slumps, or sheer terror, as an excuse not to act. Click Here To Download The Book

Obedience In Finances

  From my experience of almost 50 years of preaching faith, I've concluded that more people fail when it comes to faith for finances than anything else. The reason is because they're trying to exercise faith for finances, but they haven't planted any seed! They want God to bless their finances even though they haven't planted anything.  Click Here To Download The Book

Kingdom Principles Of Financial Increase

Money is a tool, a trial and a test. If you want to expose a man's true character, give him access to large sums of money. Money reveals the heart of a man and the quality of his character. The great king Solomon said, "Money answers all things." In essence, money explains everything. The poor want it. The rich hoard it. It will control these who do not control it, and destroys those who love it. Yet it is necessary for life and required for living effectively. The average man works for it, but the wise man makes it work for him. The subject of money is almost a taboo, especially for the religious, yet the bible speaks more of money than prayer and fasting. Click Here To Download The Book

Financial Excellence

  Remember, any time you want to break through a spiritual barrier, it takes great spiritual energy; it takes the power of God working through you! The breakthrough comes only when you allow that energy, that input of biblical truth, to continue and continue to grow. It literally takes a violent effort, not casual daydreaming and wishing, to accomplish it. Click Here To Download The Book

I Will Never Be Broke Another Day In My Life

God wants His people prosperous and wealthy so we can establish His covenant in the earth, so whatever aspect of the gospel He needs to get to people, He can call on us to get it done. Having money is far more than owning houses and cars. Still, Isaiah 1:19 promises that, "If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land." The good of the land is money. If you don't have money, you cannot eat the good of the land. You can be as spiritual as you want to be, but without money, you cannot drive the nice cars, live in the nice houses, dress in nice clothes or eat at nice restaurants. God's will for us as believers is revealed quite clearly in Psalm 66:12. "Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water: but thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place." Click Here To Download The Book

God's Plan For Your Money

In contemporary culture, money plays a large role in each of our lives. If God does not have a plan for our money, then a major part of our lives is not under His control. In turn, this circumstance will inevitably affect other areas of our lives. The truth is that many Christians, whose lives are not really under God's control, try to solve their problems by becoming more spiritual. However, many times the answer is to be more practical. Click Here To Download The Book

Entrepreneurial You

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, an aspiring entrepreneur, or an employed professional seeking to maximize your options, you’ll find in these pages proven strategies that will help you develop new income streams that leverage the work you’re already doing, and open up new opportunities for freedom and flexibility. Click Here To Download The Book

Becoming A Commander Of Covenant

As you will see throughout the pages of this book, money is not the issue in receiving divine prosperity; it is faith in knowing who you are. Instead of trying to hold on to money, we need to hold on to God's Word and never let it go. It is when you get bold, not afraid, with money that money will come to you in abundance. So read this book with a heart and mind that are open to the truth. As you do, that truth will set you completely free to enjoy your covenant of wealth. Click Here To Download The Book