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Showing posts with the label Life

Your Tomorrow Depends On The Actions You Take Today

I have heard alot of people talk about how good they want their future to be like. How wealthy and successful they intend to become in the future. I believe you must have a tone point in your life, envisaged how you would like your tomorrow to be like. The kind of houses you would like to stay in and the kind of cars you would like to drive. I think everyone of us must have desired success and greatness at some stage of our lives. Most people while growing up usually have a picture of how great they would like to become when they finally become adults. I have heard most people quote Oprah Winfrey by saying: When I look into the future, it's so bright it burns my eyes. Click Here To Download The Book

Who Do You Think You Are?

I’ve observed that people who are committed to a cause bigger than themselves, who are engaged in serving life rather than attempting to manipulate life into serving them, have richer, more satisfying, more enduringly successful lives. I don’t assign spiritual causality to this reality. As a metaphor we could delve into the science of genetics and make a pretty good argument that genes are organized to choose cooperation over competition at any price because it’s in the best interests of the gene’s ability to do what genes do, which is replicate. So, what we have here is a kind of cooperative altruism at work in service of evolution. Whether this is cosmic design or serendipity, I do not know. For me, if it is serendipity, it is even more awe inspiring. Click Here To Download The Book

Your Strategy Needs A Strategy

Strategy is a means to an end: favorable business outcomes. When we think about strategy, we tend to think about planning: study your situation, define a goal, and draw up a step-by-step path to get there. For a long time, planning was the dominant approach in business strategy—in both the boardroom and the classroom. But effective business strategy has never really consisted of just this one approach. The multidecade plans that oil companies make would feel inappropriate to the CEO of a software firm that faces new products and competitors every day and that therefore adopts a more fluid and opportunistic approach to strategy. Neither would such long-term plans feel natural to an entrepreneur creating and bringing a new product or business model to market. What is this broader set of ways in which we can approach strategy, and which approach is the most effective in which situation? That is the central question of this book, and we will show that getting the answer right can deliver d...

Whatever Happened To Truth

Truth is not what it used to be. In days past, telling the truth meant to represent the facts accurately. It was presupposed that truth corresponded to a reality to be known, and that not telling the truth was morally wrong. To tell a lie, then, was a mis-representation of a given matter. When former President Bill Clinton claimed, “There is no relationship,” in reference to his adulterous affair with a White House intern, was he telling the truth? The well-known response, of course, is that it depends on what the definition of “is” is, as well as on Mr. Clinton’s definition of “relationship.” Our world has gotten accustomed to Orwellian doublespeak, and with moral absolutes largely considered a thing of the past, language has become a pliable tool in the hands of ideologues. Click Here To Download The Book

What Are You Afraid Of?

You are asleep in your bed when your clock radio shocks you awake, blaring into the beginning of the day with news of traffic tie-ups, approaching thunderstorms, overnight killings, fires, stock-market plunges, government scandals, and car wrecks. Instead of jumping out of bed, you pull the covers up over your head. You know what a fearful world we live in, and you dread facing all the challenges of the day. But maybe your morning fears are not in the news; they’re about your job. You live in constant fear of getting caught in the downsizing trend. Or you’re apprehensive about a business deal that has your career on the line. Maybe your deepest fears lie at home. Can you meet this month’s mortgage payment? Does your marriage seem shaky? Are your kids worrying you? After a recent service at the church I pastor in Southern California, a young soldier who had just returned from Afghanistan wept as he asked me to pray for him. He feared that he might be losing his family. Click Here To Dow...

Walking In Wisdom

We live in a world of darkness, but God has delivered us from the power of darkness and has translated us into the kingdom of His son, into the kingdom of light. It is light therefore that will deliver your inheritance into your hands. I believe that the light you have encountered from this book will bring an end to all your struggles with darkness. The wisdom of God we have been discussing is not common place. As you deeply desire an access into it, I believe no obstinate issue will remain on your path, for this wisdom is able to overturn mountains by the roots. You need supernatural wisdom. It will consolidate your walk of purity with God and establish you in the peace of God. This wisdom also guarantees awesome direction into the high places of life, and quickens your mental system, causing it to produce outstanding results. Click Here To Download The Book

As A Man Thinketh

“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he," not only embraces the whole of a man's being, but is so comprehensive as to reach out to every condition and circumstance of his life. A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts.  As the plant springs from, and could not be without, the seed, so every act of man springs from the hidden seeds of thought, and could not have appeared without them. This applies equally to those acts called "spontaneous" and "unpremeditated" as to those which are deliberately executed.  Act is the blossom of thought, and joy and suffering are its fruit; thus does a man garner in the sweet and bitter fruitage of his own husbandry. Click Here To Download The Book

Uncover Your Potential

Nothing in life is instant. People think success is instant, but it really is not. Achieving success is a process. You are full of potential. Potential is always present, waiting to be exposed. It demands that you never settle for what you have accomplished. Oddly, one of the greatest enemies of your potential is success. Never accept success as a lifestyle—it is but a phase. Never accept an accomplishment as the end—it is but a mark in the process. There are many selves within you that lie dormant, untapped and unused. Your primary problem is that you do not think about yourself as having even greater potential. Click Here To Download The Book

Turning Toward Integrity

The book you hold in your hands is about integrity … the integrity of faith. It’s about the kind of faith that perseveres in persecution, resists temptation, responds obediently to God’s Word, overcomes prejudice, produces good works, controls the tongue, follows God’s wisdom, considers God in all its plans, depends on God rather than wealth, waits patiently for the return of the Lord, and makes prayer, not personal effort, its spiritual resource. According to James, genuine faith should make a genuine difference in the way a person lives. One’s creed should determine his conduct! And those who knew James considered him qualified to address this subject. Because of his righteous life, they called him “James the Just.” The words of this letter reflect his righteous standards and echo the high and lofty principles of his Brother. In the book of James, there are at least fifteen allusions to Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Click Here To Download The Book

Born A Crime

We had a very Tom and Jerry relationship, me and my mom. She was the strict disciplinarian; I was naughty as shit. She would send me out to buy groceries, and I wouldn’t come right home because I’d be using the change from the milk and bread to play arcade games at the supermarket. I loved videogames. I was a master at Street Fighter. I could go forever on a single play. I’d drop a coin in, time would fly, and the next thing I knew there’d be a woman behind me with a belt. It was a race.  Click Here To Download The Book

Time Management

YOUR AB IL ITY TO manage your time, as much as any other practice in your career as an executive, will determine your success or failure. Time is the one indispensable and irreplaceable resource of accomplishment. It is your most precious asset. It cannot be saved, nor can it be recovered once lost. Everything you have to do requires time, and the better you use your time, the more you will accomplish, and the greater will be your rewards. Time management is essential for maximum health and personal effectiveness. The degree to which you feel in control of your time and your life is a major determinant of your level of inner peace, harmony, and mental well-being. A feeling of being “out of control” of your time is the major source of stress, anxiety, and depression. Click Here To Download The Book

Think And Grow Rich

TRULY, "thoughts are things," and powerful things at that, when they are mixed with definiteness of purpose, persistence, and a BURNING DESIRE for their translation into riches, or other material objects. A little more than thirty years ago, Edwin C. Barnes discovered how true it is that men really do THINK AND GROW RICH. His discovery did not come about at one sitting. It came little by little, beginning with a BURNING DESIRE to become a business associate of the great Edison.  One of the chief characteristics of Barnes' Desire was that it was definite. He wanted to work with Edison, not for him. Observe, carefully, the description of how he went about translating his DESIRE into reality, and you will have a better understanding of the thirteen principles which lead to riches. Click Here To Download The Book

The Four Year Career

All things being equal, college is still smarter than no college. But some kids are figuring out if they invest those four full-time years towards their business ideas and talents, they can end up hiring a lot of college graduates. Think Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Larry Ellison … they all quit college to launch their empires. Most young adults following the college model do end up well trained to get a job, but are also well saddled with tens to hundreds of thousands in debt. This debt that cannot be discharged in bankruptcy, it can rarely be renegotiated and most people are ill-afforded to pay it off. And since most people in their 30s and 40s are not even in the career they majored in, the debt they are carrying is a depressing load. Click Here To Download The Book

The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck

Now here’s the problem: Our society today, through the wonders of consumer culture and hey-look-my-life-is-cooler-than-yours social media, has bred a whole generation of people who believe that having these negative experiences—anxiety, fear, guilt, etc.—is totally not okay. I mean, if you look at your Facebook feed, everybody there is having a fucking grand old time. Look, eight people got married this week! And some sixteen-year-old on TV got a Ferrari for her birthday. And another kid just made two billion dollars inventing an app that automatically delivers you more toilet paper when you run out. Meanwhile, you’re stuck at home flossing your cat. And you can’t help but think your life sucks even more than you thought. Click Here To Download The Book

The Autobiography Of George Muller

What is meant by the prayer of faith? What is the significance of the passages in the Old and New Testaments which refer to it? Were these promises limited to Bible times or have they been left to us as a legacy until Jesus returns? These questions attract a great deal of attention among believers.  The thoughtful Christian who reads any of the wonderful promises in Scripture often pauses to ask himself, "What can these words mean? Can it be that God has made these promises to me? Do I really have permission to commit all my little concerns to a God of infinite wisdom, believing that He will take charge of them and direct them according to His boundless love and absolute omniscience? Is prayer really a transcendent power which accomplishes what no other power can, overruling all other agencies and rendering them subservient to its own wonderful effectiveness? If this is true, then why shouldn't I always draw near to God in full confidence that He will do as He has said?" ...

The wisdom That Works

These three distinct parts of man are interrelated. One cannot operate without the other. With the spirit, man contacts the spirit realm. Whatever he receives is communicated to the mind for analysis and possible acceptance or rejection. Whatever decision the mind takes is then communicated to the body for corresponding action. The mind of man is the central control valve of the human being. The spirit cannot relate with the body without an approval from the mind, neither can the body relate with the spirit without passing through the mind. Click Here To Download The Book

The Upper World

IT TAKES AN impressive mix of stupidity and bad luck to not be in a gang but still find yourself in the middle of a gang war. I’d managed it in less than a week. And that was before the time travel. I knelt down, resting my elbows on the one corner of the mattress where the sheet hadn’t peeled off. Tired and alone in my bedroom, I was desperate for heavenly backup. But I couldn’t make the call between Jesus, his mum, Thor, Prophet Mohammed (and the big man he works for), that bald Asian dude in orange robes, Jesus’s dad, Emperor Haile Selassie, my granddad’s voodoo sculpture, Morgan Freeman, or that metal slab on the moon in the olden-day film 2001. So, to be safe, I prayed to the whole team. “Dear Holy Avengers,” I pleaded into my interlaced fingers. “First off, please forgive me for being a prick on Monday. And for lying to Mum about what happened.” Click Here To Download The Book

The Founder's Mentality

Each of the three crises we’ve identified occurs at a different phase in a company’s life. The first crisis, overload, refers to the internal dysfunction and loss of external momentum that management teams of young, fast-growing companies experience as they try to rapidly scale their businesses. The second crisis, stall-out, refers to the sudden slowdown that many successful companies suffer as their rapid growth gives rise to layers of organizational complexity and dilutes the clear mission that once gave the company its focus and energy. Stall-out is a disorienting time for a company: the accelerator pedal of growth no longer responds as it used to, and faster, younger competitors are starting to gain ground. Most companies that stall out never fully recover. The third crisis, free fall, is the most existentially threatening. A company in free fall has completely stopped growing in its core market, and its business model, until recently the reason for its success, suddenly no longer ...

The Energy Bus

Positive energy. . . . It’s a term being talked about a lot more frequently in conference rooms, classrooms, locker rooms, and even living rooms. Perhaps it’s because there is an abundance of new research that shows that positive people, positive communication, positive interactions, and positive work and team cultures produce positive results. Or perhaps at a deeper level we all know that every person, every career, every company, every organization, every family, and every team will have to overcome negativity, adversity, and challenges to define themselves and create success. Click Here To Download The Book

The Force Of Decision

Human beings are like an empty bottle, it becomes whatever you pour inside it. You pour in oil, it becomes a bottle of oil. You pour in wine, it becomes a bottle of wine. You pour in water, it becomes a bottle of water. You pour nothing, it remains an empty bottle. In essence, you are what you have inside and you cannot give beyond what you have inside. Click Here To Download The Book