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The Autobiography Of George Muller

What is meant by the prayer of faith? What is the significance of the passages in the Old and New Testaments which refer to it? Were these promises limited to Bible times or have they been left to us as a legacy until Jesus returns? These questions attract a great deal of attention among believers. 

The thoughtful Christian who reads any of the wonderful promises in Scripture often pauses to ask himself, "What can these words mean? Can it be that God has made these promises to me? Do I really have permission to commit all my little concerns to a God of infinite wisdom, believing that He will take charge of them and direct them according to His boundless love and absolute omniscience? Is prayer really a transcendent power which accomplishes what no other power can, overruling all other agencies and rendering them subservient to its own wonderful effectiveness? If this is true, then why shouldn't I always draw near to God in full confidence that He will do as He has said?"

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