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Showing posts with the label Love and Relationship

Why Men Want Sex And Women Need Love

So what is love? It’s a question that has been asked for thousands of years. Researchers from almost all disciplines have tried to discover the nature of love and convince others of their findings, but none of the answers ever proposed are conclusive. Because of its elusiveness, love constantly calls for definitions and interpretation. Why do we even have sex? What drives men to search for sex constantly? What compels women to demand commitment from men? We will answer many of these questions in this book. We will show you why sex, love, and romance began, reveal the science that says where love sits in the brain, and, importantly, tell you what to do about it all. We have used scientific studies, surveys, case studies, and humor to make it easy to remember. Click Here To Download The Book

When Young Men Are Tempted

The first and most obvious reason guys react so strongly to the sight of a naked woman is that the female body is a masterpiece. Call it the crowning work of The Master Artist. Genesis 1 tells us that God created the universe, the earth, and all living creatures in six days. Genesis 2:21-22 tells us that God put Adam, the first man, into a deep sleep. While Adam snoozed, God went to work on the final piece of creation: the woman. With careful precision and perfect artistry, God designed her eyes, her nose, her lips, her skin, her breasts, her hair, and—well, you get the idea. When Adam finally woke up, God’s work was finished. In human history there have been many momentous discoveries: Christopher Columbus discovering the New World, Ben Franklin discovering electricity, some guy named Reese discovering that chocolate and peanut butter taste great together. But none of them can compare to the discovery Adam made when he finally managed to stir from his slumber. Standing before him, in ...

Timing Love

Kate had just passed the night at her cousin's apartment after a slight tiring journey all the way from Abuja. It's a Saturday morning and Kate have waken up ahead of her cousin. Atoto is still in her blanket with her body covered from the head to the toe not knowing that Kate was already awake and seated at her reading table. She's not reading but had turned her face to the big mirror beside her. What could be going through her head? Is it her awaiting exams? Of course not. Is it her looks? Surely no. It's her brother. He's rejected her phone calls last night for reasons she could not figure out. Could it be that he was with one of those bitches of his, well perhaps. Kate trust Cyrus to be that odd only when he's with a woman. Just hope he's ok. She thought and the narose to get her phone but couldn't remember where she's dropped it. She turned round and round but couldn't trace it. Click Here To Download The Book

Single, Married, Separated, And Life After Divorce

My secretary buzzed to say my next appointment had arrived. I walked to the door to meet and welcome the person who, up to that moment, had been only a name in my appointment book. A beautiful young lady dressed neatly and smartly walked in and sat down. She suddenly blurted out, “I can’t take it anymore. I am tired of being single. I need a mate now. I am growing older, and life is passing me by. What’s wrong with me? Why does no man want me? I must be ugly. There must be something wrong with me. I feel like killing myself. Please help me!” Those words were not strange to me—I had heard them many times. Over the years I have had to help thousands of individuals find their balance and review their concepts of life. So I shared with her the “myth of singleness.” Click Here To Download The Book

Single With A Difference

Life, as you know, is in phases and singleness is a phase that everyone must of necessity pass through in the journey of life: whether as a married person, a eunuch, a celibate, a career person or whatever choice you make. Every stage or phase in life has its inherent benefits, which should be harnessed and singleness is no exception. May you enjoy the added benefit inherent in the single years! Singleness is a phase of life that you must pass through and the faster you are able to maximise the season and pass the examinations of that phase of life, the faster you move on to the next phase of your life. Click Here To Download The Book

Waiting And Dating

Young people all over the world, regardless of culture, share at least one thing in common: the challenge of growing into successful adults. Every society has its own customs in this regard, certain rites of passage through which its youth must navigate successfully in order to be recognized as mature, responsible men and women. In Western countries, one of the most common and socially significant of these customs is dating. The word “dating” comes from the idea of “setting a date,” where two people (or more, if on a group date) agree to get together at a certain time and place for recreation and fellowship. Dating is an important vehicle in our culture for giving young men and women the opportunity to get to know one another in a socially acceptable manner. Click Here To Download The Book

Created To Be His Help Meet

Once upon a time there was a silly young girl who grew up to learn what itmeans to be a help meet—God’s secret for a heavenly marriage. I start this book with the words “Once upon a time” because it really is a wonderful story come true. It should, and could, be your story too. It is God’s gift to every woman. My “wife” story began 34 years ago with the ringing of the phone. I was sitting at the desk where I worked, when my pastor called, asking me to go with him to a gospel meeting that evening. He occasionally called on me to go with him to counsel the girls while he dealt with the men. I was a single, twenty-year-old girl, and my pastor was a single, twenty-five-year-old hunk of a man. Of course, I said I would love to go and help. He had been my goal since I was 13 years old. Although I thought that he occasionally cast his eyes at me, I had despaired of ever getting my trophy. With that simple phone call, my despair turned to hope once again. Click Here To Download The Book

Men Are Like Waffles, Women Are Like Spaghetti

The differences are not limited to conversation, however. As research accumulates, it is becoming increasingly obvious that God made men and women different in many ways. They think differently, they process emotions differently, they make decisions differently, and they learn differently. And yet men and women complement one another so beautifully that a healthy relationship makes both partners more complete. Consider the following ways that modern research has highlighted our uniqueness. The differences start in the physical structure of the brain. “Now research is confirming that the brains of men and women are subtly different…For example, studies show that human male brains are, on average, approximately ten percent larger than female brains. Certain brain areas in women, however, contain more nerve cells.” Click Here To Download The Book

Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus

Imagine that men are from Mars and women are from Venus. One day long ago the Martians, looking through their telescopes, discovered the Venusians. Just glimpsing the Venusians awakened feelings they had never known. They fell in love and quickly invented space travel and flew to Venus. The Venusians welcomed the Martians with open arms. They had intuitively known that this day would come. Their hearts opened wide to a love they had never felt before. The love between the Venusians and Martians was magical. They delighted in being together, doing things together, and sharing together. Though from different worlds, they reveled in their differences. They spent months learning about each other, exploring and appreciating their different needs, preferences, and behavior patterns. For years they lived together in love and harmony. Then they decided to fly to Earth. In the beginning everything was wonderful and beautiful. But the effects of Earth’s atmosphere took hold, and one morning ever...

When God Writes Your Love Story

 I’ll never forget the night Brandon broke up with me. Though it happened more than sixteen years ago, the intensity of that experience remains seared upon my memory even now. It was my sophomore year in high school. I was happy and thriving—with plenty of friends and a good-looking, popular boyfriend who seemed to worship the ground I walked on. Life was fun and fulfilling. And then, within the space of a five-minute phone conversation, my world came crashing down around me. “I think we should break up,” Brandon told me, with a matter-of-factness that dug into me like a knife. My trembling fingers tightened around the phone cord, and I choked back the sob that threatened to explode from my tightening lungs. This didn’t make sense. Hadn’t he said he would always love me? Hadn’t he told me, time and time again, that he could never live without me? Didn’t he appreciate the fact that I had built my entire world around him for the past eight months? Didn’t he remember the countless hou...

Love Must Be Tough

Sit down, Carol. I have to talk to you about something very serious. I know what I’m going to say will come as a shock to you, but I can’t withhold the truth any longer. You deserve to know that I’ve been involved in an affair with a woman at the office for nearly eighteen months. Her name is Brenda and she is very attractive. It started as an innocent flirtation, but quickly progressed into something more—much more. Now we are unable to pretend any longer. That’s why I’ve made an appointment with an attorney, and I plan to divorce you as quickly as possible. I’m sorry! Honestly, I am. What more can I say? I never intended to hurt you. But I just don’t love you any longer; and I do love Brenda—very deeply. So, Carol, I’m asking you to make it easy for both of us, and of course, for the kids. We’ll all be better off as soon as this mess is settled. Click Here To Download The Book

Keys For Living Single

Whether you are unmarried or married, your goal in life should be to “live single.” Singleness is a greatly misunderstood concept in today’s culture. It has come to mean “incomplete” or even “of less value.” Yet God’s design is that each of us be truly single—whole, mature, and confident human beings who know who we are, and who are developing the distinct personalities, gifts, and abilities God created us to manifest. In Keys for Living Single, y ou will discover essential truths for a meaningful and satisfying life. You can be free from the ty ranny of trying to please others, from the hindrance of living vicariously through other people, and from believing you can be complete only through another person. You were created to be separate, unique, and whole. You have a special purpose to fulfill in this world. Discover your true self—and live accordingly! Click Here To Download The Book

The Purpose And Power Of Love And Marriage

 Alot of people are confused about marriage these days. In the eyes of many, the institution of marriage has become irrelevant, an archaic relic of a simpler and more naïve time. They question whether marriage is still a good idea, particularly in today’s more “liberated” and “enlightened” culture. Concepts such as honor, trust, faithfulness, and commitment seem old-fashioned and out of touch with modern society. Many people change partners as easily as they change shoes (and almost as frequently!). This confusion over marriage should not surprise us, considering the bewildering barrage of worldly attitudes and philosophies that hits us at every turn. Every day books, magazines, movies, and television soap operas, sitcoms, and prime-time dramas bombard us with images of wives cheating on their husbands and husbands cheating on their wives. Unmarried men and women hop into bed with each other at the drop of a hat, and just as quickly hop out again to find their next partner. People ...

Boy Meets Girl

He reached out and with both hands lifted her head so her eyes looked into his. "My dear child, what you must try to see is that nothing has changed. When the Maker brings you your husband, you'll be aware that it was He who made you for each other and He who planned your meeting. And in that moment, just as we did, you'll want to sing a song of praise to Him." Click Here To Download The Book

Me Before You

When he emerges from the bathroom she is awake, propped up against the pillows and flicking through the travel brochures that were beside his bed. She is wearing one of his T-shirts, and her long hair is tousled in a way that prompts reflexive thoughts of the previous night. He stands there, enjoying the brief flashback, rubbing the water from his hair with a towel. She looks up from a brochure and pouts. She is probably slightly too old to pout, but they’ve been going out a short enough time for it still to be cute. ‘Do we really have to do something that involves trekking up mountains, or hanging over ravines? It’s our first proper holiday together, and there is literally not one single trip in these that doesn’t involve either throwing yourself off something or –’ she pretends to shudder ‘– wearing fleece.’ She throws them down on the bed, stretches her caramel-coloured arms above her head. Her voice is husky, testament to their missed hours of sleep. ‘How about a luxury spa in Bali...

After You

The man leans down. ‘Sorry. Hard to hear over the siren. We’ll be at the hospital soon.’ He places a hand on mine. It is dry and warm and reassuring. I’m suddenly panicked in case he decides to let go. ‘Just hang on in there. What’s our ETA, Donna?’ I can’t say the words. My tongue fills my mouth. My thoughts are muddled. Click Here To Download The Book

Jealousy, The Sin No One Talks About

I remember the sobering day I heard this. I could take you to the very table in the restaurant where we were sitting. I recall looking at Lyndon and he looking at me. Had you put me under a lie detector and asked whether I thought what Charlie described was of God I would have said, "No." For one thing, I did not want it to be of God. The main thing, however, was that if this truly was an outpouring of the Holy Spirit-and absolutely from God-it would surely have come to Westminster Chapel first! I looked for every reason not to believe in this, but I had a deep-seated fear this was of God. The truth is, I was jealous. Click Here To Download The Book

Bringing Up Girls

What a sweet girl. Only a fourteen-year-old could start a letter declaring that she hates me and end with assurances of eternal love. I’ll bet Tiffany is a challenge for her momand dad, but there are better days coming. The parents I amadvising today were testy kids like Tiffany when I wrote my first book on child rearing, but now something rather funny has happened. They have grown up and produced strong-willed children of their own, and they’re looking for help. It is rewarding for me to watch a second generation of moms and dads learn to deal with the same issues and problems that they presented to their parents twenty-five years ago. Who knows? Maybe I’ll have an opportunity to advise a third generation when Tiffany’s first baby comes along. She and other young moms from her generation willsee things froman entirely different perspective then. But I amgetting ahead of myself. Click Here To Download The Book

I Love You But My Parents Say No

A friend of mine once called me from a long distance and we spoke for hours (and I mean that literally). We were on the phone for about two hours. Usually, when people call me from a long distance and for a long time like that, it’s usually about a relationship issue.  Now, the issue here was this; he was in love with this lady and he wanted to marry her but his parents were against the whole idea so he was confused about what to do. I’m sure many of you can identify with this situation. If it hasn’t happened to you, it has happened or is happening to someone you know. Click Here To Download The Book

Healthy Relationship

Joy is the experience of knowing that you are unconditionally loved and that nothing—sickness, failure, emotional distress, oppression, war or even death—can take that love away. ~Henri Nouwen What is life without love? The source of true happiness and fulfillment can always be traced back to love in one way or another. More than anything else, love is sought after in our lives—within our relationships, occupations, within ourselves. Love gives life meaning and purpose. It fulfills the deepest yearnings of the soul. It quenches our thirst and fills our hearts to overflowing. Love turns darkness to light. Love brings harmony and order out of chaos. Love heals wounds and brings comfort to hurts and pain. Love holds families together. It bonds friendships. Love inspires, revives, and restores. Click Here To Download The Book