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Created To Be His Help Meet

Once upon a time there was a silly young girl who grew up to learn what itmeans to be a help meet—God’s secret for a heavenly marriage. I start this book with the words “Once upon a time” because it really is a wonderful story come true. It should, and could, be your story too. It is God’s gift to every woman.

My “wife” story began 34 years ago with the ringing of the phone. I was sitting at the desk where I worked, when my pastor called, asking me to go with him to a gospel meeting that evening. He occasionally called on me to go with him to counsel the girls while he dealt with the men. I was a single, twenty-year-old girl, and my pastor was a single, twenty-five-year-old hunk of a man. Of course, I said I would love to go and help. He had been my goal since I was 13 years old. Although I thought that he occasionally cast his eyes at me, I had despaired of ever getting my trophy. With that simple phone call, my despair turned to hope once again.

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