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Oh This My Husband

That faithful morning, I cried to my Pastor’s house. I was fed up; my bags were packed. I had just finished telling my husband every bitter word I can remember in the dictionary. I fabricated new words that best described a monster that he is.Yes, he is a monster, he acted so nicely during the courtship. But as soon as I became Mrs. Momoh, all hell was let loose. There is nothing that I did that was good. 

I had a well-paying job as a factory manager in Lagos. I had a driver and I had an expense account. But after six months of marriage I thought I had gotten pregnant and Ige my husband let all hell loose over the fact that my work will kill the baby. Unfortunately, three months later my period came back and thus more war. I left my job to please him and became a full time house wife. But by then he was no more around to make love to me, he was always coming home late. I discover strings of relationships on his phone and when I confronted him, he complained that since I killed the baby and can't make another one, he needs girls to calm his nerves. Whenever I complain, he leaves the house. If I don't talk, he leaves the house. When I beg, he gets angry. If I fight, he gets angry. If I report to Pastor, he gets angry. If I cry, he leaves the house.

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