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How To Sell To Nigerians

I don't know about you, but I absolutely detest it when friends and family try to “force” me to buy what they are selling. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. You are on your own “jejely” and a cousin of yours who just opened his clothing line comes to you. He is just starting out and he needs your support. You are a nice guy and you feel you should support him. It doesn't even matter if his clothes are of top quality or not.

Nothing wrong with that. After all, we all need support. No one has reached the top without being assisted by someone one way or the other. No human is an island. So you support. His kinds of clothes are not what you normally wear but you support nonetheless. You get the clothes and give away or keep in your wardrobe or at least wear them once to show your support. If the clothing are of top quality, you can even tag your cousin on social media so others can see. You mention him and his business to a few of your friends with the hope that they patronize him in future. You help in spreading the word. You have done your bit and you move on with your life.

Few months down the line, your cousin comes back asking you to patronize him again. Heck. Now you are not too happy. You patronized him months earlier because you are a nice guy. You don't like what he is selling.

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