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Finding Your Purpose In Life

His fears were eventually confirmed. His son returned home for a visit, obviously grappling with his faith in God. As they were conversing one day under an old oak tree, the son suddenly blurted out, “Dad, I just can’t believe in God anymore. Why, look at those pumpkins over there on the ground. They are big and heavy, yet have small and tender vines. But, this big oak tree, capable of supporting the weight of the pumpkins, only produces tiny acorns. If there was really an intelligent God of this universe, He would have placed the pumpkin on this oak tree, and the tiny acorn on the fragile vine.”

Suddenly, an acorn fell from the tree, bouncing lightly off the top of the young man’s head. As the truth slowly dawned, he sheepishly spoke, “Dad, thank God that was not a pumpkin!”

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