If you want to become a billionaire, you need to think like a billionaire. Just to be clear, by ‘billionaire’ I mean self-made billionaire. Not the person with the massive inherited wealth they did nothing to earn. I’m talking about the person just like you, who started out with very little. The person who had to work for a living.
To think like a self-made billionaire, you must first understand their choices in life and in business. Where do they derive their income from? What do they spend their time on? What tasks do they focus on? In short, what do they invest themselves in? I have obsessively studied this unique group of high achievers. I’ve found they invest only in assets that provide a positive return.
There are many kinds of assets. Among billionaires, the most valuable, non-renewable asset in the world is their time. So how do billionaires spend their most valuable asset – their precious time?
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