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Four Keys To Hearing God's Voice

We are going to make something that has been very hard, very simple. I could not hear God’s voice for the first ten years of my Christian life, and now I have spent 30 years teaching the Body of Christ how to do so. It is as simple as quieting yourself down, fixing your eyes on Jesus, tuning to spontaneity, and writing! And all Christians can do it! You can do it! Jesus promised, “My sheep hear My voice” (John 10:27).

So you can hear His voice. His voice sounds like spontaneous thoughts that light upon your mind, especially as your heart is fixed on Him. And you can do this every day as part of your morning devotions. You can live out of His voice all day, by simply seeing Him alongside you (He is Immanuel, God with you), and staying tuned to spontaneity all day long. The Bible calls this abiding in Christ (see John 15:4) or “praying without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17).

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