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Dealing With Sex, Lust, Love And Sexual Sins

Lust has destroyed many lives in its various forms; some have clung on to power and have been disgraced through the lust of power and fame. Others have plunged their countries into civil war because of the same problem. Others have been whipped and are being whipped with preventable diseases through the lust for food. The lust for money has also led others into all kinds of atrocities.

Many have achieved the heights that they dreamed of, only to be scandalized with sexual sin, like King David and Bathsheba, former President Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, Samson and Delilah etc. Many families are broken up and undermined due to this temptation.

Worst of all sexual lust has put our generation at risk. The continent of Africa for example has been scorched with the devastating spread of HIV/AIDS as a result of sexual sin. In some countries a whole generation of youth is being wiped out.

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