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Creating Social Media Strategy

All business planning should start with defining clear goals, and social media is no exception. Without a clear idea of what you want to accomplish with social media, you are unlikely to achieve anything at all because your efforts will be scattered or aimless. In addition, different social media goals require different sets of action. For example, if your goal is to gain consumer credibility, that looks very different than if your goal is to convert 30 percent of prospects to sales.

Start by writing down at least three social media goals for your business. Make sure each goal is specific, realistic and measurable. It is vital to make your goals measurable so that you can track your business’ progress towards each goal. To test how measurable your goal is, ask yourself what it will look like when partially or completely achieved. If you don’t know, you need to continue working on the goal’s measurability. It’s also important that your goals for social media relate to your overall goals for your business. Rather than choosing social media goals arbitrarily, make sure these goals tie in with your overall sales, marketing and productivity goals.

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