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Finally Lust Free

‘The enemy is only as strong as you allow him in your life.’-H Phamodi. Open doors are a legal ground for the enemy to operate in your life. Sexual sins that are present in a life of a born again Christian is due to some negligence and ignorance that the enemy takes advantage of. I was counselling a young man who was struggling with pornography and women, and to my surplice these young men will be free for a few weeks, but soon fall back into the same sin again. I didn’t understand why, until God revealed to me that there is an open door, remember what the scriptures says about an unclean spirit in Matthew 12:43-45; the spirit that has gone out of a man goes about dry places seeking rest, but find none. Then the sprit says; ‘I will return into my house from where I came out.’ And when he has come he finds it empty and clean and garnished, then he goes and take for himself seven other sprits that are more wicket that him, and the state of that man is worse than before.

The enemy looks for doors as long as this young man was still feeding his mind with lustful content from the interne and social media the enemy could find an open door to bring up those lustful thoughts. There is nothing wrong with the internet and social media but it is the kind of content and relationships that one gets into. The day he cut off all social media and relationships that were keeping him bound he was set free.

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