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Mystery Of The Holy Spirit

Throughout his remarkable ministry, Dr. A.W. Tozer (1897-1963) was recognized as the voice of God while others were mere echoes. His was a clarion call for the church to return to those truths central to her identity in Christ. Thirty-one years of his ministry were spent in Chicago, that “Mecca of Fundamentalists,” as Tozer often refers to it. His was often a lone voice when others were following the latest evangelical trend or fad. What he would think of evangelicals today is anyone’s guess. I think he would not be too impressed with the level of spirituality found across our country. Many of the things he warned about a generation ago have happened. Some of his warnings are found in this sermon collection. At times, it is hard to remember that Tozer preached these sermons over fifty years ago. The freshness of his themes is indicative of his ministry. He never wasted the congregation’s time rehashing the news or the latest fad. His ministry was straight to the heart.

Once he was invited to minister to a group of Brethren in Christ. These people were conservative in their dress and manners, and Tozer was concerned he would not fit in. The Bishop allayed his fears by saying, “Just preach to their hearts, and they will love you.” He did, and they did.

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