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I was at my family house for the Christmas festivities, which was the only time I literally saw my parents and relatives, it was always a beautiful Reunion. As a marriage counsellor God was helping, my travelling itinerary for the year was always filled, ministering from one Women's program to the other, From one marriage seminar to the other, and my message was simple..."No matter how terrible your marriage could be, it was WORKABLE...." but my encounter with Isoken and her husband got me thinking if this was true!

A beautiful lady walked up to me at the Family Reunion, she looked a bit familiar but I couldn't place the face. She greeted me like a well cultured lady, and I replied her, asking about her sister as she looked like one of my old friends. I obviously was mixing her up with someone else. She called my attention to that, and told me her real identity, she was one of those “extended extended” younger cousins of mine...I noticed she had a sparkling wedding ring on. I made a compliment about that, but her smile was not impressive enough, but I couldn't help but admire her dimples.

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