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A Hunger For God

One of the reasons food has this amazing power is that it is so basic to our existence. Why is this? I mean, why did God create bread and design human beings to need it for life? He could have created life that has no need of food. He is God. He could have done it any way he pleased. Why bread? And why hunger and thirst? My answer is very simple: He created bread so that we would have some idea of what the Son of God is like when he says, “I am the bread of life” (John 6:35). And he created the rhythm of thirst and satisfaction so that we would have some idea of what faith in Christ is like when Jesus said, “He who believes in me shall never thirst” (John 6:35). God did not have to create beings who need food and water and who have capacities for pleasant tastes. Click Here To Download The Book
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A History Of The Early Church To A.D 500

At the outset we are faced by the difficulty of deciding whether there is or ought to be in any real sense a Christian society at all. A common notion is that original Christianity consisted in a recognition of the vital truths of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man, and that all organisation is a departure from primitive purity. It is pointed out that in the history of most religious movements we find the first incentive given by some enthusiastic prophet, who with his immediate followers is swept forward on the crest of a wave of fanatical emotion. Those who come after him, however, are not able to maintain this exalted position, and endeavour to preserve what they can of the Master’s spirit by reducing his teaching to a code and hedging it about with the protective barrier of an institution. But in the process a great deal of the original enthusiasm and freedom is inevitably lost. This, it is often contended, has been the fortune of Christianity. The original inspiratio...

A Heart Ablaze

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A Call To The Secret Place

I love that the gospel is so simple and real. God loves us so much; it’s as though He has purposed to leave us love notes everywhere! Wherever we open our hearts to see and hear Him, He is there. It’s wonderful to look back over your life and see those hidden messages strategically placed— especially when you haven’t noticed them earlier. I have one such love note I’d like to share with you. When I was growing up, my family had a few movie favorites that we truly enjoyed watching together. My parents just loved Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy movies. Jeanette MacDonald was believed to be a Christian and had a beautiful operatic voice. She sang in all her movies—at least the ones I saw. When her lovely voice was blended with Nelson Eddy’s rich baritone one, the musical match was just heavenly. Click Here To Download The Book

A Bend In The Road

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God's General - The Missionaries

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30 Things The Anointing Can Do For You

Anointing is the burden removing and yoke breaking power of God. Anointing is what empowers a man or a woman to function supernaturally. Anointing is that which enables you to do supernatural things. Beloved, you must understand that Christianity is a spiritual thing. Christianity is not just a religion. It is an encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. It is an experience from heaven. The anointing is the supernatural power for supernatural assignments. The anointing is a heavenly electric power. If you are plugged to that power men and women will see you as somebody from another world. The anointing is the liquid power that comes with the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. The anointing is the presence and power of God. Click Here To Download The Book

25 Truths About Demons And Spiritual Warfare

ARE YOU AWARE of what’s around you at this very moment? Is it possible that there is someone or something that is doing everything it can to keep you from reading the rest of this book? There seems to be a collective and global sense of ill, a vague impression deep in the back of the mind. It is a quiet insistence of this troubling idea: something is not quite right. Whether it is voiced emphatically or contemplated inwardly, almost everyone has come to realize that there is something wrong with the world. Conflict is found in every strata of existence— national, personal, relational, emotional, mental, and spiritual. From the horrifying threat of worldwide terrorism to the raised, angry voices in an everyday home, we can see a destructive influence. Click Here To Download The Book

The 21st Century Pastor

Being a pastor today is more difficult than anytime in memory. This century witnessed the collapse of the Christian consensus that held American culture together for centuries. The secularization of our culture pushed the churches to the margins of our nation’s consciousness. The moral relativism that accompanies a secular view of reality deeply affects the work of the church and its ministry. According to a 1992 Christianity Today survey, 1 66 percent of Americans believe there is no absolute truth. Significantly, among Americans ages eighteen to twenty-five, the number is 72 percent. The Christian faith adheres to a multitude of absolutes. No wonder ministry in and to this culture is more complex than ever. No wonder pastors and churches are increasingly viewed as curiosities or even threats to the public. Click Here To Download The Book

Who Is The Holy Spirit?

One of the games I used to play with my seminary students was to ask them, “Does God exist?” They would say, “Of course God exists.” I would then say, “No, God does not exist,” and it was always fun to see the looks of horror that would appear on their faces as they began to wonder whether their professor had abandoned Christianity and given up his faith. But I quickly had mercy on themand explained that I was playing a little philosophy game by asserting that God does not exist. Click Here To Download The Book

12 Ways To Be A Blessing To Your Church

Do you remember a statement similar to this one made by President John F. Kennedy? In his inaugural address on January 20, 1961, he said, “Ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.” I remember learning that famous quote in school. I think more people would be saved and ministered to if Christians had that same thinking in the Church today. Many times we have a tendency to look for ways to be blessed rather than looking for ways to be a blessing. Of course, you know as well as I do that the best way to have joy unspeakable in our lives is to be a giver. Real joy is in putting others first instead of ourselves. Click Here To Download The Book

12 Laws Of Divine Instructions

Scripture says “my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” Hosea 4:6. Ignorance is lack of knowledge, foolishness is the rejection of knowledge. Whatever satan can do to you, ignorance and foolishness can do to you. Just as demons can torment, ignorance can torment too. If the devil can hinder you from knowing, he can hinder you from getting. I learned early that you cast out demons in the name of Jesus. But you don’t cast out ignorance like you cast out demons in the name of Jesus. You cast out ignorance by getting knowledge. When knowledge enters, ignorance exit. Click Here To Download The Book

10 Curses That Block The Blessing

  Even though God had delivered Larry completely from drug addiction, he had not been delivered from the uncontrollable outbursts of anger that had plagued his life. Larry had tried everything he knew, but he could do nothing to put these terrible moments of rage behind him. These outbursts would come upon him unexpectedly, and when they did, he said and did terrible things to his wife and even terrified his children. After violent episodes, he would apologize in tears and beg his wife to forgive him. Though he would promise to never lose his temper again, sooner or later his control would slip. During one extreme outburst he understood that he had become just like the generations before him, angry and violent. Though he had vowed never to do those things, he had become the very thing that he most hated. In a moment of revelation he knew that he was confronting a generational pattern, acting out his anger just as generations of his family had done before him. He went to the Bible a...

Listening To The Spirit In The Text

Although the subject matter of this essay has been brewing over a long season, its present impetus stems from writing the commentary on Paul’s letter to the Philippians during Winter and Spring of 1994. As I worked through Paul’s text with great care, I experienced an ongoing encounter with the living God — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — an encounter which happened in two ways. On the one hand, as I exegeted the text so as to articulate its meaning for the sake of others in the church, I was often myself so overcome by the power of the Word that I was brought to tears, to joy, to prayer, or to praise. On the other hand, I was also regularly experiencing the text of this letter in church settings, in such overwhelming ways, that I felt compelled to mention it in the final paragraph of the Author’s Preface: Click Here To Download The Book

How To Hear From God

Learning to hear from God and be led by the Holy Spirit is very exciting. God wants to speak to us about the plan He has for our lives. His plan is a good plan, but we are in danger of missing it if we don’t learn how to listen to and obey God’s voice. We talk to our children all the time—why wouldn’t our heavenly Father talk to His children? We would not expect our children to know what we wanted them to do if we did not talk to them, so why would God feel any different? God wants to speak to us about the good plan He has for our lives. He sent His Holy Spirit to dwell in us and be our Counselor and Helper in life as well as other things. John 14:26 says that He will teach us all things and will bring to our remembrance things God has taught us. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth; therefore, He will lead us into truth, not error. Click Here To Download The Book

Understanding The Power Of Praise

The greatest obstacle facing you in life will never require more than praise to become a miracle. No obstacle can escape the touch of Jesus, and you invoke that touch by intense, hearty praise; not just with the lips, but praise coming from the depth of your soul! Unfortunately, the power in praise has been ignored in the body of Christ. People think it is for those who don’t know how to pray, but that is far from the truth. I have proved in my life that praise is much more effectual than the longest fast any man can engage in. Also, although prayer (no matter how fervent) has it's place, it cannot compete with praise in potency. Praise makes things work cheaply! Click Here To Download The Book

Four Keys To Hearing God's Voice

We are going to make something that has been very hard, very simple. I could not hear God’s voice for the first ten years of my Christian life, and now I have spent 30 years teaching the Body of Christ how to do so. It is as simple as quieting yourself down, fixing your eyes on Jesus, tuning to spontaneity, and writing! And all Christians can do it! You can do it! Jesus promised, “My sheep hear My voice” (John 10:27). So you can hear His voice. His voice sounds like spontaneous thoughts that light upon your mind, especially as your heart is fixed on Him. And you can do this every day as part of your morning devotions. You can live out of His voice all day, by simply seeing Him alongside you (He is Immanuel, God with you), and staying tuned to spontaneity all day long. The Bible calls this abiding in Christ (see John 15:4) or “praying without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17). Click Here To Download The Book

Experiencing Jesus

From the moment we are conceived, we have a built-in desire to run the world around us so that it benefits us and serves us completely. Let’s face it: We are all born with a self-centered, me-first identity. We emerge from the womb a cry baby, our sole purpose being to see that every whim, desire, and need is fulfilled by those who have obviously been placed in our lives to accomplish this. In our eyes, the world revolves around us. The description I have just given is the essence of the sin nature. There is not one sin we can name that cannot be labeled selfish and self-centered. Furthermore, the original sin is addressed in the first commandment, which contains the antidote to the sin nature: Click Here To Download The Book

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

He collapsed right in the middle of a packed courtroom. He was one of this country's most distinguished trial lawyers. He was also a man who was as well known for the three-thousand-dollar Italian suits which draped his well-fed frame as for his remarkable string of legal victories. I simply stood there, paralyzed by the shock of what I had just witnessed. The great Julian Mantle had been reduced to a victim and was now squirming on the ground like a helpless infant, shaking and shivering and sweating like a maniac.  Everything seemed to move in slow motion from that point on. "My God, Julian's in trouble!" his paralegal screamed, emotionally offering us a blinding glimpse of the obvious. The judge looked panic-stricken and quickly muttered something into the private phone she had had installed in the event of an emergency. As for me, I could only stand there, dazed and confused. Please don't die, you old fool. Its too early for you to check out. You don't des...


The term "disciple" is an important biblical term that often gets overlooked. It comes from the Greek word "mathétés" which means to be a learner or a pupil. In the context of our faith, a disciple would be one who eagerly learns from Jesus. What then would a disciple of Christ be learning? If we are His disciples, we would be learning to follow Jesus, imitate His life and pass on His teachings to others. This is because Christ's calling on His disciples is not only that we would become disciples, but that we would mentor and teach others so that they too would become His disciples. Click Here To Download The Book

Operating In The Supernatural

Christ is our root in the faith; and everything about Him is a miracle. Therefore, if we as Christians disregard the place of the supernatural in our lives and walk here on earth, we will become spiritually impotent. Not only that, when we disregard the place of the supernatural, we will also become spiritually vulnerable to every wicked manoeuvring of the devil, as the supernatural is the security of our destiny in Christ. The supernatural is very relevant to our human needs today, because we are confronted daily with spiritual forces. The Bible says we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, and against rulers of this wicked world and wicked spirit in high places. So, you must operate in the supernatural to be able to deal with them. The supernatural is the only thing that differentiates the Christian faith from all other faiths. The supernatural is the proof of the Christian faith. This is because every need answers to a miracle, every challe...

Mystery Of The Holy Spirit

Throughout his remarkable ministry, Dr. A.W. Tozer (1897-1963) was recognized as the voice of God while others were mere echoes. His was a clarion call for the church to return to those truths central to her identity in Christ. Thirty-one years of his ministry were spent in Chicago, that “Mecca of Fundamentalists,” as Tozer often refers to it. His was often a lone voice when others were following the latest evangelical trend or fad. What he would think of evangelicals today is anyone’s guess. I think he would not be too impressed with the level of spirituality found across our country. Many of the things he warned about a generation ago have happened. Some of his warnings are found in this sermon collection. At times, it is hard to remember that Tozer preached these sermons over fifty years ago. The freshness of his themes is indicative of his ministry. He never wasted the congregation’s time rehashing the news or the latest fad. His ministry was straight to the heart. Once he was invi...

The Azusa Street Revival

GIVEN all the demands that press in upon us as we deal with the stress of the present moment and living in angst about what is to come, it is easy to become disconnected from our past. Why even bother with what has been? Yet, as someone has said, if we don’t learn from the past, we are doomed to repeat the past. That is the negative side of why we should study the history of the Church. The positive side is that there is much in the past that will inspire, breathe into us hope, and create fresh motivation for our own historical journey. History is the harbor of our heritage and the fountainhead of our families. Click Here To Download The Book

Social Media Strategy

Social media allows people to be more connected than ever before and marketing is changing rapidly as new technologies come available. Online users are communicating in real time and every brand in the world is being caught up in the conversation whether the company is actively participating or not. Venturing into social media means opening up your brand and company to the world at large and giving up some control over how your message is being spread. How do you take back some control and make sure that your brand is being promoted in a positive and effective way? Click Here To Download The Book

The Ultimate Social Media Plan

Today, social media platforms have invaded and taken over public consciousness. It has become a big part of day to day routines and an indispensable communication tool for people to connect and stay in touch. Consumers have used social media presence as one of the integral basis of a company’s legitimacy, reliability and viability. Businesses today are judged based on their Facebook or LinkedIn profiles, and consumers expect companies to respond to the concerns and queries they have tweeted within the day or within the hour. Suffice it to say, social media has managed to steal the thunder away from traditional marketing methods. Modern marketing strategies today have a mix of social media tactics as its integral component for reaching business goals. Click Here To Download The Book

The Use Of Social Media In The Recruitment Process

Social media tools and social networking sites have revolutionised communication methods, both privately and increasingly, at work. Communication through social media involves the use of an online platform or website (a social networking site) that enables people to communicate, usually for a social purpose, through a variety of services, most of which are web-based and offer opportunities for people to interact over the internet, e.g. via e-mail and ‘instant messaging’ (a form of real-time, direct text-based communication between two or more people using personal computers or other devices). Click Here To Download The Book

Social Boom!

They all have smartphones; most of them get Facebook updates on their phones, but for one reason or another they have chosen not to enter the world of business social media. Many are on LinkedIn and have a few connections, almost none of them tweet, and even fewer have their own YouTube channel. REALITY: Some HUGE companies have gone all out in social media, whereas others have their heads buried in the sand or are playing ME TOO, because they woke up one morning and found their competition gaining ground through a prominent and active social media presence. Still others are claiming “regulations” are keeping them from engaging. Click Here To Download The Book

Developing A Social Media Strategy

Before you jump into social media it is very important to have a clear strategy in place. Although social media may not appear expensive as the majority of the tools are free, it can be very expensive in terms of time you have to allocate, and as we all know time is money. So you need to ensure that you are making the most effective use of your time and not wasting such a valuable commodity. This guide will certainly help you reduce the amount of time required and will give you a better understanding about what social media is all about and how it can be very effective. The value of social media is not only the popularity of the websites but how these sites connect a company directly to their current and potential customers. Social media can be used to generate awareness and buzz about a company’s product or services and it can drive significant traffic to its website. However, to truly capture mind share it is important to have a clear strategy in place that defines the message, deliv...

How To Craft A Successful Social Media Content Marketing Plan

Your plan must start with a desired result in mind. What do you hope to accomplish? Whatever your organization’s goal, state it clearly in your plan, and outline the specific objectives that will help your brand achieve it. Each of your goals and objectives should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, and Timed. When goals and objectives are solidified, determine exactly which key performance indicators (KPIs) you’ll use to measure success, and set a benchmark to start from. Click Here To Download The Book

Creating Social Media Strategy

All business planning should start with defining clear goals, and social media is no exception. Without a clear idea of what you want to accomplish with social media, you are unlikely to achieve anything at all because your efforts will be scattered or aimless. In addition, different social media goals require different sets of action. For example, if your goal is to gain consumer credibility, that looks very different than if your goal is to convert 30 percent of prospects to sales. Start by writing down at least three social media goals for your business. Make sure each goal is specific, realistic and measurable. It is vital to make your goals measurable so that you can track your business’ progress towards each goal. To test how measurable your goal is, ask yourself what it will look like when partially or completely achieved. If you don’t know, you need to continue working on the goal’s measurability. It’s also important that your goals for social media relate to your overall goals...